41 - The truth

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Travis sits down next to her and start pulling out old brown papers that are fragile as can be.

he places them next to the box and starts picking up the papers one by one and reads one , one talking about the year it was built and by who and who owned the deed before her parents did.

The next paper Travis picked up was notes left behind from earlier tenants as he read this , his mind is flabbergasted he speaks to Dawn "Hey listen to this" as he starts to read the notes out loud to her.

( August 15,1954- My bedroom- Kitty's room)

I know this may be hard to believe but I can remember some things way back to when I was 3 years old. I'm have recently turned 14 now. It all started me and my family moved into a new house in a neighborhood in Tennessee. I can't remember anything when we first moved in because I was only about 1 years old but when I turned 3 I noticed some weird things going on around the house.

I remember the feeling of always being watched when nobody else was in the room. For example, I remember my parents had just bought me a huge pack of stickers and I was sticking them everywhere (chairs, walls, the TV, windows, etc.) and I went into the kitchen to go get a snack while my parents were in their bedroom watching TV. I was alone and I got the feeling that someone was watching me. Being really little, I would always just shrug it off as nothing happened and continue what I was doing. When I was older my mom and dad told me they had that same feeling of being watched sometimes.

The next weird thing that happened to me was when I was taking a nap. I would usually take a nap (even though I hated to take naps) everyday at noon with my mom in her bedroom. We had just gotten done watching the animated movie Spirit (it's about a horse) and the bedroom was dark so we could go to sleep. Right about when I was about to fall asleep I saw something above my head in the air. It was speckles of something glowing with all different colors and it was making different shapes and moving. It was weird. I sat up and woke my mom up and pointed at them and said, "Look Mama! It's a Spirit!" I did not mean the horse from the movie we just watched, which is what she thought I was talking about. She laughed and went back to sleep while I watched it. It was strange but cool. I really meant a ghost when I said "spirit" but I had gotten my words mixed up..

Dawns eyes focus on the paper after she stood up , well that is strange. She takes it out of his hand and puts it down to pick up one of her own .

(September 12,1954-- Kitty's room and hallway)

The scariest thing in that house that happened to me though was when it was nighttime and I was alone in my bedroom and my parents were both asleep (in separate rooms). I was still about 3 or 4 at this time. I was dancing and watching a movie on my little TV with the lights on. I was standing in front of the TV when I heard a noise. I turned to look at the door and watched it creak open a little bit. I was really scared but I just stood there to see what would happen. Suddenly, the TV turned off and started showing those black and white fuzzies. I took a step back and jumped on my bed while I looked at the door. I was freaking out. Although I was about to reach over to the door to open it, I SAW the light switch turn off and the TV turned off completely! I looked away because I was scared of what I was going to see. A couple seconds later I opened my eyes and slowly I looked over to the floor next to my bed. I saw those same speckles of color moving in shapes of animals. I specifically remember a crocodile... (I don't know if it was my imagination or not but they looked like they were really there). I was familiar with these things so I calmed down a bit but I was still scared of the dark. I walked over to the door, clinging to my bed post, watching where I stepped so I didn't step on the "animal-shaped speckles" and I then stood in front of the light switch. I turned it on, off, on, off, over, and over again, but the lights did not turn on! Then the door cracked open a little more and someone or something said something to me. I can't remember what it said, I just remember it had a very deep voice that reminded me of my dad's. So I thought it might've been my dad so I laughed and answered back saying, "AWW! Daddy, you scared me!" I ran out of my bedroom into the hallway but my dad wasn't out there. So I walked over to my dad's bedroom door which was across from mine. I tried to open his door but the DOOR WAS LOCKED so I put my ear up to the door and I could hear snoring! My dad was sleeping! Scared, I turned to look at the hallway which was really dark and I could hear something coming toward me so I ran into my mom's bedroom and got into her bed! I woke her up and told her I was scared. I slept with her every night until I turned 8...It was a very scary experience.

WAIT WAIT WAIT! Dawn looks at Travis , She starts to read the note out loud . "what does that sound like?" Travis in a confused tone ' Holy shit, this stuff has been happening for years why hasn't anyone done anything about it though?"

Travis picks up another letter " i guess we can keep reading nothing else to do , there is plenty here"

( December - 21st- 1955)

Later, after we moved out of the house when I was about 5, my dad and my mom shared the experiences they had at that house. My dad was alone in the house and was about to go take a shower when he heard footsteps. Very broad. Distinct. Footsteps. He thought maybe someone was in the house so went to go search the house. Nobody was in the house but him.

Every time my mom would take a picture with her camera in the house there would always be these giant, white, clear orbs. It wasn't a camera problem though. It would always show in different places too. We assumed this might've been a ghost wanted it's picture taken. And my now 11 year old Dachshund, Belle, would always bark at the walls, corners, and thin air for no given reason.

When we lived in that house, the house itself had a very negative feeling or vibe to it. My parents would always fight in that house (punches were thrown). But right after we moved out my parents stopped fighting and loved each other again.

It was later revealed that the house might've been built on an Indian burial ground. My dad said he found multiple arrowheads in the yard and the house was built near a river (which is where Indian burial grounds are usually built near). So I believe that the spirit (s) that lived on the land was an Indian and he had his burial ground disturbed and turned angry. But....

The paper smudges after that.....

another one to pick up and read i guess...

Dear Kitty,

In Tenn. There were lots of burial mounds destroyed by early settlers to make way for building. It is entirely possible the land could have been cleared years ago before there were strict regulations in place (before 1900). In fact, a considerable portion of the city of Nashville has been built over an extensive Indian graveyard which lay along the valley of Lick Branch. A large number of these graves have been destroyed in the building of North Nashville. Further up, at the mouth of the Cumberland, the same thing occurred.

In the Interior PNW... Indians were buried along the Columbia on raised platforms, these were continually desecrated by pioneers and land grabbers.

Your dearest , Emily Stoveall\


"ok so she was sending these to a person and waiting for a response back , ow crazy if you remember they didn't have email or stuff back then, so letters it was." Dawn tells Travis.

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