-just a blurr-2

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i don't know where i am going , but hell just like my mom used to say "when lost go back the same way you came from" but that's the thing i don't remember which way i came , i didn't recognize anything.. but hell I'm surrounded with nothing but trees [ i laugh a little ] . i steadily keep walking looking around for ANY clues i may have seen and of my clothing, one thing i do know is i'm wearing my favorite outfit and my mini jacket is torn. i don't know where i will end up or where this trail im following goes but i guess i have nothing else to do,

I stop to sit down on this huge boulder covered in moss and grass growing up along the sides [knowing my luck this is probally poison ivy] i turn my head left & right to see what the hell is around me since this is the only time i have had time to stop and look at my surroundings. i glaze behind me for a second and see something white and red nailed to the tree... [ as a normal person i have to see what the hell it is] as i step a little closer and see what it could be, IT'S MY DAM PURSE! it's just hanging there as if it was a coat on a rack. i grab it of the tree and look at it, its got a cross"well an [x] " on it in some red material , its not paint but it kind of looks like blood!.

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