Chapter 26 Nicole

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"So you want ME to end this mess! This mess my Brother, your husband, started?" I declared.

"Yes! Your the one in control! You're the only one who can!" Kimberly said looking at me hopefully. With her bug doe-like eyes. The same eyes that showed me to trust. The same eyes that showed me loyalty...


"No! Why not!" Kimberly looked at me in disgust. I winced.

"I wanted to get Cole's attention, I've been watching the situation for awhile now, and I saw him show signs of love again. The only way I thought he kept it was if someone challenged it. Threatened it. Someone he used to love, threaten someone he still does... You.." I said looking down. I couldn't bare to see my ex-best friend look at me like I was a monster. I just couldn't.

"So why now?" Kimberly asked.

"I saw my chance, and I took it."

"I see, Nicole, please look at me. Nicky, please!"

...Nicky I haven't hears that in so long.

~30 years earlier~

"Nicky! Where are you?" I heard my best friend yell.

"I can't come out! You have to find me!" I yelled excitedly.

"Why!" she asked.

"It's hide-and-seek," yelled my little brother Cole from beside me. We were hiding in a bush in the field by our house.

"I know where you are. I saw Cole's foot," said Kimberly from behind me. I squealed in surprises as she tackled me.

"Ugh! Kim! You're crushing me! Get off!" I gasped between laughs and desperate breaths for air.

~Present Time~

I looked at her with my tear stained cheeks. Holding out her arms to embrace me she said, "Come here."

I went and got swallowed up by her warm and trusting embrace.

"Kim?" I asked.

"mhm?" she replied in question.

"Kim, I'm tired of crying. Help me," I said.

"I'll try. It's all going to be okay," she said patting my back as I sobbed on her shoulder.

I repeated her words in my head.

It's all going to be okay...

It's all going to be okay...


It wasn't.

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