Chapter 4 Kat

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We were just getting done with getting rid of a small pack of zombie gorillas, and Hulk was having his lunch. Kytten was walking up to a small zombie gorilla. Hulk was reaching toward it. Kytten tried to stop her, when Hulk put it on her shoulder.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Kytten said hugging herself.

"Yeah, but we have to go to the safe house to check on how close the packs are," I said snapping my beloved sister out of her weird teenage trance. Dumb hormones! I thought as I took off into flight. The zombie gorillas are stating to slow and go down on population. Kytten and I know that there is a warehouse somewhere, but we don't know where. we also know that it is packed full of zombie gorillas. Their population out here is going down, but in that warehouse, wherever it is, it's going up by a long shot. I can feel it.

We were halfway to the safe house, and there was still no sign of zombie gorillas. The only signs were sadness, death, and empty streets that seemed to go on for miles.

I looked over at Kytten to see her growing sadder by the minute. Ever since we were reunited she has gotten more and more emotional, and when our brother/father killed our actual father and mother, she broke down. When we are fighting she is able to feel some sense of belonging, but when we are not fighting I keep finding myself looking over my shoulder to make sure she is not crying.

As I was looking back down I saw something. It was a person, I think. Kytten saw me gazing down at it.

"We can go check it out if you want," Kytten said.

"Um, I will, you stay on course. I'll see you later at the safe house," Then I almost forgot Hulk, "Put Hulk and her friend a safe distance away, and get her to stay. You have no idea what that S.W.A.T. team will do if they see her," I yelled flying down to my interest.

As I got closer I saw it was a person; A little girl. I hid behind an abandoned trailer and watched her for a while. She seemed to be crying. She had long brown hair in pig tails, a purple shirt, blu jeans, black boots, and she had dirt all over, mud, and probably blood too. Her shirt was ripped in a few places, and her jeans had holes in them. I decided to walk up the her.

"Hi," I said kneeling down next to her. She flinched away. Then, she looked at me. She instantly became fascinated with my wings.

"Were you born with wings?" she asked petting them gently as if she were to pet too hard they would break.

"No, my father put them on me through surgery," I said carefully.

"Did it hurt?" she asked concerned.

"I don't remember," I said.

"Can your dad put some on me?" 

"That's not a good idea. What are you doing out here alone?" I asked looking around.

"I was traveling with my mommy and daddy looking for my sister, then those ugly creatures attacked us. They took my mommy and daddy with them that way," she said pointing East, away from the safe house.

"Do you think their still alive," she said about to cry.

"I'm sure they are just fine," I said. "Are they good fighters?"

"Yeah! They kick will kick those creepy, ugly thing's butts,"

"Where were you when they attacked?"

Then, she pointed under an abandoned pickup.

"Mommy told me to hide there," she said frowning.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Emma," she said questioning me.

"Well, Emma, would it help if you were to ride in my arms to a safe house? Then, we can send people to search for your parents," I asked.

"Sure!" Emma said clearly excited about riding on my wings. I picked her up and held her in my arms as if she were my own child, and she naturally put her arms around my neck and head on my shoulder.

"Let's get you to safety," I said taking off into flight. To tell you the truth I had no idea if her parents were alive, and why Emma wasn't taken along. Zombie gorillas have very good senses of smell, and they would have found her.

For the whole ride she was looking all around in interest, and putting her arms throughout the air for the sensation that she was flying. Emma petted my wings and looked up at my eyes as we descended to the safe house. She was just too innocent to tell her the truth. That her parents could be dead.

"You're finally back!" Kytten greeted me at the door, "and who is this?" 

"Emma, her parents were taken captive, so we need to search for them," I replied.

"Got it," said Max going right through the room to the office to tell his dad.

"Okay so how are the conditions here?" I asked.

"They're low on supplies," Kytten said sounding worried.

"That's not good," I said.

"Does that mean I have to leave?" Emma said frowning.

"No, Sweety, we have to leave to get supplies. You can stay here and Tiana can watch you. Tiana is nice. She'll love to watch you!" said Kytten in a soothing tone.

"Okay," Emma said sadly. I know it's wrong to put a child with so many people at once, but it had to be done. Max walked back into the room.

"Max," I called out as he was leaving the room.

"Yeah," Max said poking his head into the room.

"Can you take Emma to Tiana?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. She looks like fun!" Max said picking Emma up and leaving the room going down the hallway to Tiana and Derek's room.

"You know what?" I asked looking at Kytten.

"What?" Kytten asked looking confused.

"I think it's time to visit an old friend."

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