Chapter 8: You'll be great

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Lauren wakes up with the warmth of the sun passing through her window.

Like other mornings, she started her day by listening to the saved message in her phone.

She smiles upon hearing Camila’s voice on the other line.

After that, she went to the bathroom for a morning shower.

She went downstairs to have a breakfast with her dad, but he’s gone already. When she opens their front door, she notices that there is a package. She picks it up, it was for her from Normani. She opens it, it was all her credit cards, a key and note.


So sorry about your friend. Just heal and write new songs. See you on the next tour!


She smiles upon reading the note. And she runs to their backyard to see the car Normani sent to her. It’s a convertible white in color, Lamborghini Gallardo.

 It’s a convertible white in color, Lamborghini Gallardo

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Her friend has a taste in cars, she thought at herself.

She run back to their house to change for a pair of jeans and band t-shirt.

She hops in the car and starts the ignition. She pulled away from their driveway. She’s planning to see and probably talk to Camila about Clara, so she went to the brunette’s flower shop.

She enters the shop and greeted by an annoyed Camila.

“Hi.” Lauren said.

“Hey.” She replied.

Lauren awkwardly stands in the front of the counter; she doesn’t know how or what to say to Camila. So she just says what pops on her mind.

“I’d like to buy some flowers… For Ally.” Nice excuse Lauren thought to herself.

Camila turns her attention to the singer with an annoyed expression.

“Okay. Hydrangeas are her favorite.” Camila replied.

“All right. Perfect. I’ll get… I’ll get 24.”

“24?” she replied in disbelief.

“Uh. Yes, please.”

Camila walks out on the counter and when to the pale of flowers on the other side of the room and get one pale of hydrangeas, she points to Lauren and said; “This is 12. Grab another one.”


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