Chapter 29: Cam--What?

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It was the concert day.

Everyone is so busy preparing for the concert later that night.

Normani and the rest of the crew were already at the venue, for the last minute rehearsals and soundchecks.

Lauren is on her way to the venue.
She didn’t disturb Camila she knows that the brunette is not a morning person. She just texted the younger girl to wait for Normani to pick her up for the concert.

She arrived at the venue exactly 20 minutes before the soundchecks.

She looks for Normani and her band to discuss some arrangement for her surprise to Camila at the end of her concert.

She spotted Normani talking to their music director.

“Hey Mani! Hey Joe! Ready for tonight?”

“Always!” Joe replied.

“I’m just checking on him and I found out you have a surprise song” Normani said and smirked at her.

Lauren immediately blush and scratch the back of her neck.

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here to talk to you both. I already talked to Harry last time.”

She turned to Joe while speaking.

“After the last song on my set list, don’t make an intro yet. I have a little speech. I’m gonna play my guitar on this one, the rest of the band can back me up on the chorus just like what we practice yesterday.”

“Alright. Got it Laur. Don’t worry! Excuse me, I’m gonna check on them” he said pointing to the band.

Lauren turned to Normani, “I texted Camila that you will pick her up. And before you do that, can you buy me a bouquet of flowers?”

“Okay. I’ll get her and gave her the bouquet.”

“No Mani, I will give her the bouquet after my song for her tonight.”

“Wait! Are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend Laur?” she asks excitedly.

“No, not yet. I just want to show her how she means to me. I know she doesn’t trust me yet to be part of her life again. but when she agreed to come with me here, I know I slowly gaining her trust again. and the Lucy encounter few days ago was a one of the reasons why she’s scared to be with me again.”

“I understand. But the way she looks at you, I know she loves you Laur. Just give her time. I will go now. I’ll get your bouquet to be delivered here asap. Okay? I’m gonna get your sleepy girl.”

“Thank you Mani… For everything… "

“No worries Laur. You’re my best friend. I’ll do everything for ya girl!” she tapped the singer’s back. “Good luck later.”

Normani turns to walk backstage where the driver is waiting for her.

Lauren starts the sound check with some of her fans in the venue.


Normani arrived at the hotel after dropping to the local flower shop.

She knocked at Camila’s room twice but the brunette didn’t answer her door. She decided to call her.

She rings it twice but still no answer.
She was starting to get worried. She continues to call the girl.

Finally, she answers her phone. She sighs of relief.

“Hello? Who’s this?” Camila asks with her sleepy voice.

“Hey Mila! It’s Mani. Are you still sleeping?”

“Mmm. Kind of. Didn’t get sleep last night.”

“Oh! Sorry. Lauren told me to pick you up. I’m at your door. Can you open up?”

“Yeah, just a sec.” she hangs up the phone.

After a few seconds Normani heard the door opening in front of her.

Camila step aside for Normani top enter her room.

“You got me worried there Mila. I’ve been knocking your door and calling you few times I thought something happened to you.” she hugs the brunette. “Good morning by the way.” Then she laughs.

“Sorry, I haven’t sleep a wink last night. I didn’t know what time I fell asleep. The last time I remembered the sun is poking through the window.”

“You sleep like a baby Mila. Get yourself ready. I’ll be back here after an hour. Is that okay? then we will eat brunch at the café downstairs. Or do you need some more sleep?”

“Can you make it two? I want to sleep some more. Is that okay?”

“Sure. I’ll have errands to attend too. Anyway, it’s still too early to go to the venue. I’ll just text Lauren.”

“Thank you you Mani.”

Normani hugs Camila again then turns to walk outside.
Camila shut her door close and went back to her bed and set an alarm for an hour. And went back to sleep.


After two hours, Normani and Camila were ready and they headed downstairs to eat. After an hour of eating and talking.

They went to the venue.

Normani notice Camila is fidgeting in her seat.

“Mila? Are you alright?” the brunette turns her head to the older woman beside her.

Camila nodded at her.

“What are you thinking Mila? You can tell me anything.”

“Honestly? I’m scared. Her fans knew me after that dinner date in Miami. I know that a lot of her fans doesn’t like me. I received many hate after that, Lauren didn’t know. I didn’t tell her. I don’t want her to worry.”

“You mind them Mila. Many fans are just jealous. You know how that Jauregui charms can do right? But you should tell her soon. Let her know.”

“What if they are here? and they see me? And get angry and throw things at me. I don’t want Lauren to see that.”

“They’re not gonna do that to you besides there are a lot of security there. I get Big Rob for you. he will accompany you wherever, is that okay?’

“Okay. Thanks Mani.”

“Anything for Camren.” She said and winks at the young girl.
“Cam-- what?”

“You didn’t know? I thought you knew. It’s all over the social media right after your date. It’s your name and Lauren’s. the fans ship you guys. Camila and Lauren, Camren. It’s cute you know.”

“Really? I think I saw it last time, I thought it was a random artist name.”

“So don’t worry about those angry fans. There are many Camren shippers you know they kept on defending you guys. Let them. And they were also hoping that Camren will be real soon.” She said while laughing.

“I’m hoping too Mani.” She taught to herself and she just offers a weak smile to the tall girl.


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