Chapter 25: Lauren's Misadventures

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Lauren is currently rehearsing at a studio near the hotel while Camila is out with Normani to buy some stuffs.

The singer is in deep thought and then she came out with an idea popped into her mind,

"Hey guys? Can I ask you a favor?" Lauren asked her band.

"What is it Laur?" Louis replied. He was the drummer. The rest of the band was now looking at the singer waiting for her answer.

"I'm just thinking doing a cover song? It's a love song tho. But if you guys don't want it, it's totally fine." She was rambling.

"Its fine Laur. And its not our concert. Its yours. So, What song do you have in mind?" Harry her guitarist asks.

"I'm thinking about a Pop-Love song, if you're not the one it was originally sung by Daniel Bedingfield?"

"It was a great song; do you want us to arrange it for you? So your country-ish sounds would fit in. Lets work on that." Michael her musical arranger asks her.

"We can do this. I can arrange it today and rehearse it by tomorrow."

"I think our friend the Lauren Jauregui is already tamed, is this because of the beautiful brunette namely Camila?" Harry raised his eyebrows. The rest of the band laugh with him.

Lauren bit her lip to hide her blush but she was already busted by her friends.

"Don't be embarrass Laur, she is beautiful and she's lucky to have you. Let work on that song for Camila. Come on!" Michael said while he throws her arms around the singer.

"Actually, it's the other way around, I'm lucky to have her but I'm still working on it. We haven't talked about our relationship yet. And this song will be our secret okay?"
Her friends nodded and cooed at her.

They all know Lauren's habit after each concert in cou try or state they been into. And knowing that she is changing for the better, they were all happy and they will support her no matter what. They were grateful to Camila for coming back to the singer's life together with their beautiful daughter Clara.

They spent the remaining working and practicing for the song, and the rest of the songs that she will perform in her upcoming concert.

While Normani and Camila were practically looking each shops in the mall.

Normani was looking at the children section when Camila found her.

"Hey Mani, what are you doing in a children section? Are you looking for new dress for your baby girl? I think I saw a beautiful dress right down this aisle" she points the direction of the dress

"No. Actually I'm looking for a dress for Clara." The tall girl said and smiled at Camila.

"Hey. You don't have to Mani." Camila replied shyly.

"But I want too. I'm impressed with your kid Mila. I guess I was charmed by another Jauregui." Mani replied with laugh.

"She was charming ever since; I guess she really got that from Lauren." Camila giggled with her.

"Hey Mila, can I be honest with you?"

The brunette nodded at the girl.

"Do have any idea what was Lauren before? I mean she left your town for her music career?"

"I guess I have a little information from news when I watched entertainment shows and those magazine I've been reading. They were stalking her and talking alot about her." Camila replied honestly.

"Well Lauren have many misadventures during those years. She's like she's lost and unable to find her way back."

The tall girl started but when she looked at Camila staring at her, she continues to talk,

"She drunk herself to sleep, use junk but not anymore and she always sleeps around, I know this because I was the one who will talk to the girls she spotted during her concert. But she never calls them after one night. And if one day, we don't know when we will encounter one of them, I just want you to know that Lauren don't care about them, she cares about you ever since, and she has you now. Just give her time okay? I know and I can see her that she truly loves you maybe she doesn't say it now but I can feel it. I know you do too. I know she is changing herself. Just be patient with her."

Camila is surprised about how Normani talks about Lauren.

Her Lauren.

She doesn't know that she used to be alcoholic but she knows about the girls around her, paps are really good in taking pictures. and to be honest, she was mad every time she hears in the news about Lauren caught exiting a hotel or random house and sleeping with other girls.

But she knows that Lauren was slowly going back to her old self, the caring and faithful Lauren she used to be.

"I know Mani. I'm just worried I'm not good enough for her. I'm not like any girls she used to sleep with. They're beautiful, hot and cool to hang out with." She said sadly.

"No. Don't think about that. You are great compare to those girls!" she squeezed Camila hand to reassure her,

"Come on! Let's get back to the studio. I'm sure Lauren is impatiently waiting for us. She'll kick me in the ass if we stay longer here."

They both laugh at the thought.

They walked to the cab and went back to the studio where Lauren and the rest of the gang is rehearsing.

Normani is busy talking someone over the phone.

Camila is silent during the car ride.

Maybe things are going better between them and especially with Lauren knowing about Clara as her child. Maybe she will never hurt them or leave them. Camila thought to herself.

Short update.
Sorry for slow update.
Please do continue to read my story.❣️
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