Chapter 28: My World

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After a few minutes..

Normani came back at their table and they began to chatter and occasionally sway their heads to the music.

Its already near midnight and Lauren is already feeling sleepy. She still has to wake up early to prepare for the day.

“I think it’s time to go, it’s getting late. I have to wake up early tomorrow for my rehearsals and concert at night.”

“Yeah, let’s go. I think I’m gonna pass out. I had too many drinks.” Normani said while trying to stand from her seat.

Camila was there to hold her and she clung into her until they hail a cab.

Not long after, they arrive in their hotel. After paying the cab, they went straight in the elevator to their respected rooms.

Normani was now guided by Lauren and Camila is already at her door saying goodnight to both older girls and walks in to her room.

While getting inside, Normani is slightly sobering by now.

“Hey Laur, I think I saw Lucy in the bar. But I’m not really sure.” The tall girl said looking at her friend.

“Yes, she is there. I mean, yeah, she approached me and flirted with me while I’m getting Camila’s drink.”

Normani looks shocked.

“Oh my god. Don’t tell me Camila saw that?”

“Unfortunately, she saw Lucy throwing herself at me.”

Lauren sat on the edge of the bed while putting her face in her hands, while Normani is sitting on the chair near the bed.

“Are you okay?” Normani asked Lauren.

“I don’t know really Mani. Camila is mad about it but I already talked to her. I even introduce Lucy to her” Lauren started she looks at Normani and the girl motions her to go on,

The singer continues, “she asked me who is Lucy… at first, I just said that is she is my friend but I know she not believing that after what she saw. So I told her that, she was a past hook up whom I became friends with.”

“What did she say after that?”

“Nothing, she just kisses me and hugs me. Until you came back to the table. She didn't say anything."

“Can I ask you something, it’s personal you don’t have to answer if you don’t want.”

“Sure. Whatever it is. Ask ahead.”

“Why don’t you make it official? I mean between you and Camila. You have been going out with her for almost two months. Why don’t you ask her to be your girl again?” Normani asked.

“I’m taking my time with her. I don’t want her to rush into anything. I want to gain her full trust. You know how we end up before. I mean, I leave her on the day of our wedding Mani. I know she’s not fully trusting me yet.”

“Yah, make sense. But I can see that she loves you. I haven’t known her that long but having her here and spending time with her, I can see how she looks at you. it’s the same way how you look at her.” The girl said giggling. “I mean she stealing glances at you. I think she doesn’t know that I caught her many times.” She winked at the singer.

“She mean the world to me. And of course our daughter Clara. I’m really looking forward having them both back in my life for good.”

“Just think what I’ve said to you. okay? She is just jealous with Lucy. She’ll get over it. Just make sure you showered her with all the love.”

Meanwhile at Camila’s room.
The Cuban is lying in her bed staring at the ceiling with whirlwind of thoughts in her head.

What if she realizes that she likes Lucy and not me?

What if she’ll leave again?

Lucy is gorgeous.

For fuck sake! She’s a model.

“Urgh!” she groaned while putting her face in her pillow.

Camila is definitely frustrated and jealous over Lucy. Although Lauren already explained it to her but she can’t erase the fact that the girl is really beautiful and willing to give anything to Lauren and they have past.

Unknown to the brunette, the singer is just outside her door.

But decided not to disturb the Cuban and give her time.

Lauren turns and walk to her door.

After an hour of turning, the singer lies awake in her bed with the thoughts of Camila in her head.

"I’ll just try to talk to her tomorrow or maybe during my concert tomorrow night."

"I don’t wanna lose her again because of my stupid mistakes.
I will definitely make up to her. "

She taught to herself until finally she drifted to sleep.

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