Chapter 15: The One

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Lauren and Camila hop inside the helicopter both were giggling and excited for their trip.

The pilot turns his attention to the two ladies behind him and introduced himself.

“Good evening Miss Jauregui and to your lovely date. I am Captain Jimmy Smith. You can call me Jim. It’s my pleasure to be your pilot tonight. I hope you enjoy our little trip to Miami.”

Both girls nod their heads and they both seat comfortably beside each other as the helicopter takes off.

During the trip, Lauren and Camila looks at the window and pointing some famous structures along the way.

“Wow” Camila blurted out. “I’ve never seen what Miami looks like from up here.”

“It’s quite a view, isn’t it?” Lauren said looking at the brunette. “If you look just over there, we’re gonna land right on the roof of that hotel. Right Jimmy?”

Camila looks down and saw what roof Lauren’s was talking about.

“That’s right Miss Jauregui.” The pilot confirms.

Camila turns her head to Lauren. “Wait, we’re gonna land on that tiny roof of that hotel?”

“Uh, yes, we are. You okay with that?”

“I guess so” Camila said and chuckles a bit.

"Don't be nervous, i'm right here with you. Alright?" Lauren said as she slightly squeeze Camila's hand

“Well hold on, here we go” The pilot told the two ladies and gently controls the helicopter to land safely on the hotel roof. They landed safely and the pilot hops out his seat and went outside the chopper. He went to Camila’s side and opens the door, he offers his hands to guide the petite girl climbing down the helicopter. Camila thanked him.

“Thank you Jim and btw, My name is Camila”

“My pleasure Miss Camila” pilot replied while smiling

Lauren briefly talks with the pilot and they shake their hands before Lauren walks towards Camila. The pilot shouts behind them.

“Enjoy your date Lauren and Camila. See yah both later!”

From the roof of the hotel, Lauren and Camila can hear the fans screaming and cheering for Lauren’s name.

The singer extends her hand to Camila which the younger girl intertwines their hands. As they walked to the elevator, Camila is nervous on how the fans will react towards her. As if Lauren read her mind, the singer gently squeezes her hand and smile reassuringly that everything will be okay.

They walked out from the elevator and they meet Simon and some security escort waiting for them at the hotel’s lobby.

“Welcome to the French Quarter! Lauren, nice to see you again! and may I ask who is this beautiful woman beside you?” Simon asked her.

“Thank you for meeting us here Simon. This is Camila Cabello. She’s the mother of my child and definitely my lovely date for tonight.” Lauren said as she turns her head to the beautiful brunette beside her while Camila is trying hard to hide her red cheeks.

“So it’s true huh? Normani told me about it. And we will about that once you come back from your hometown. Okay?” the he turns to the other girl “Hello Camila! Nice to finally meet you.” Simon extends her hand to Camila.

Camila gladly accepts it and shake their hands, “Nice to meet you too Sir.”

“Simon is fine Camila. Alright. Come on you two. And oh, Lauren there are few reporters outside. I told them you’re gonna be here. Is that okay? I can make them go away if you want”

“Yeah I know, I kinda expected that from you but it’s okay.”

“Well they all think that you just came out from that Caribbean thing yah know” Simon said

Camila chuckles. And Lauren smirks at her.

Once they we’re walking outside the building a long pile of fans are waiting for Lauren and they scream once they saw them walking outside the hotel door.

Simon immediately pulled Lauren and Camila to the side where the reporters are waiting.

“Chelsea, you’re up.” Simon nods at the reporter near them.

“Great to see you again on Southern soil again, Lauren.” The reporter kissed Lauren’s cheeks.

Camila shifts awkwardly after the sudden physical contact of the reporter to Lauren, she loose her grip to their hands and she replace them into Lauren's arm, and holds her tight. And turns her head to the singer as she watches her talk to the pretty reporter in front of them.

Lauren feels sudden tight grip on her arm and she turn her head to Camila and smiles. Her heart flutters at the brunette possessiveness towards her.

“You too Chelsea. It’s great to be here.”

“Yeah. On behalf of everyone watching on Country Music Live right now, I’d think we’d all love to know who is the beautiful woman on your arm?”

Camila smiles at the compliment. And Lauren snakes her arm in Camila’s waist pulling her closer.

“Uh this is…… the one.” Lauren said as she looks at the reporter and smiles.

Camila on the other hand, was shock or a bit surprised at Lauren’s statement. She stares at the singer lovingly as she smiles. She is internally screaming, her heart flutters.

“What’s her name?” All the reporters are now bringing their recorder and mic in front of the Lauren as they continue to ask for the Camila’s name.

“Uh, that’s all I got guys. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Lauren smiles and pulls Camila away from the camera and the reporters. They both stared at each other and giggling.

Lauren turns her attention to the fans on the other side and waves at them. She takes time to take pictures with some of them and never leaving Camila’s hand. Others were reaching for Camila too which was reciprocated by the brunette.

They walk hand in hand as they reached the car and Lauren opens the door guiding Camila inside. She gave her fans a final wave and she shouts her “Thank you” and letting herself inside the car joining Camila.

Once inside the car, Lauren put her arms on Camila’s shoulder and pulls her close to her. The brunette leans her head on Lauren’s shoulder and they both giggled.

“I thought they’re gonna slap me or something, they screaming Lauren, and I still can’t believe I’m out with a date with their Lauren Jauregui”

“They like you. I can see that. But are you okay?” Lauren asked Camila.

“Yes, my eyes were just tired from the flashes of camera outside. But I’m perfectly fine.”

Camila reached for Lauren’s hands in her shoulder and intertwine it with hers. Feeling the warmth of each other they kept silent the whole car ride going to the restaurant, they are just enjoying the moment alone.

Sorry it took a while to update..
Been struggling with my story.
It's my first time to write like this.

Please continue to read my story.
And vote. :)

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