Chapter 39

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Lauren ended up in a bar later that night.

She kept drinking alcohol, drowning herself while random singer singing in the stage.

The singer ended his set.

And the crowd applauded him.

He began walking towards Lauren’s direction.

“Man, I didn’t know you could sing like that, Walt.” She told the guy who approached her.

Walt is one of her Mom’s high school friends.

“Well, I only sing in this bar and you, you weren’t allowed to come in here before you left.”

The older guy told her while putting his guitar in its case.

“You know, I used to sing in here with your mom.” The guy continue to speak.

“You used to sing with my mom?”

The guy nodded and said, “Clara and I used to get quite the crowd in here.”


“But it was you she liked playing with the most. She was always so proud of you.”

Lauren sits silently while the older man speak.

“That’s really nice tonight, Walt.” The bar owner said.

“Thanks, Fred.”

Walt turned his attention back to Lauren, “You need a ride?”

Lauren turned her head to Walt and raise her glass, “I’m all right”...

“All right, Lauren. Take it easy.”
Walt said to the singer and patted her back.

Lauren continue to sip on her glass when he heard Walt’s voice greeted someone.

“How you doing, Chris?” Lauren heard Walt.

“Good Walt. How about you?”


Chris continue walking on Lauren’s direction in the bar.

“You know, I had a feeling you’d be here.” She said to Lauren who turned her back on Chris.

“Hey, Freddy, Can I get a beer?”

“Yeah.” Fred answered.

Chris sat beside Lauren at the bar while drinking his beer.

Looking at the crowd and looking at the drunk singer beside him.

“So you think you’re ready to be a Dad because you spent a couple of weeks playing house?” Chris started harshly.

Lauren hums in response, don’t know what to say to Chris.

“No.” Chris answered for her and continued speaking..

“My little niece is choking and you just sat there Lauren. I mean she could’ve died if she’d been alone with you. Man, you got to be on 24/7 when you’re a parent, Lauren."

Lauren just sat there not looking at the angry brother of her girlfriend as he continue to talk to her.

“You think you’re equipped to keep that little girl alive every day? I am not going to forget all the bad years that Camila had because of you, right? And I was there for her. I’m the one that got her through them. Camila finally managed to rebuild her life not just for her but for Clara too. Because you and I we both know that you’re just going to find some way to mess it up and it’ll destroy them.”

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