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It was the day of Clara’s school event that she was supposed to attend with Lauren.

All of her classmates are already performed their acts.

She the one who left.

In the audience, Camila, Mike, Chris, Simon and Normani sat beside each other in the front row.

Finally, Clara walked in the stage with her guitar.

Camila and the other kept on cheering for the little girl.

She sat on the stool with her guitar on lap.

And when she was settled..

Lauren came up to the stage with her own guitar and stood beside her daughter.

The child introduced her mother.

“Everyone you all know my Mommy.”

Lauren fixed her mic and spoke.

"This is a song we’d like to call FINALLY HOME”

They begin to strum their guitar. (Play the video)

Seen it all, endless nights and storm clouds brewing

A tired heart, 18 wheels and ash-vault moving.

I felt the hurt along the way, seen the tears roll down her face

Nothing could ever take her place
Out there on the road so alone

Home, finally home
Sometimes it's hard to stop a rolling stone
But whenever it may roll, it always seems to find its way back home

Early sun rising, in and out of hotel rooms
Highways winding, another town to push on through

Painted memories in my mind
They got me through hard days and the longer nights

But now I'm turning back the tide, I didn't realize how far I'd gone

Home, finally home

Sometimes it's hard to be a rolling stone
But wherever I may roll, I always seem to find my way back home

Endless nights, that emptiness lasted forever
When all I wanted was for all of us to be together

Home, finally home

Sometimes it's hard to stop a rolling stone
But wherever it may roll, it always seems to find its way back home

It always seems to find its way back home
I always seem to find my way back home


The duo perform the song.

And the crowd applauded their performance.

After the performance, Lauren called Camila on stage to join her and Clara.

Camila sat beside her daughter.

Lauren on the other hand was nervous as hell.
She began speaking.

“Hi there. I know this is a school event but I want you all to know that I really love my family. And I wanted them to know that too.”

Camila on the back is confused on what’s happening, she glance on Normani who just nod and smiled at her.

She heard Lauren continue speaking.

“Camila, to my one and only Camz. I know I had made mistakes in the past. I left you not knowing you are carrying my daughter. Never contacted you for so long. And when I came back and learn about Clara, I was so excited to meet her. We have a wonderful daughter. Clara my baby, I love you so much. Never ever forget that, Okay? And to my Camz, I can’t promise a perfect life. I can’t promise I’m always around, but I can promise you. I’m not going anywhere this time. I’m not leaving you and Clara ever again.”

Lauren Got the velvet box ring from her pocket and kneeled down in front of Camila and Clara. There were 2 rings.

Camila now knows what’s happening and her tears are now streaming down in her face. She covers her mouth with her one hand.

“Camila, will you make me the happiest in this world and spend the rest of your life with me as your wife?”

Camila nodded her head she opens her mouth and mumbled a ‘YES’ that anyone could hear because of the mic near her.

And the crowd stands and cheers for them.

Lauren slipped the ring into her finger and kissed her.

After that, she turned her head to her daughter who was smiling widely at her parents.

“To my Clara, would you like to formally call me as your Mommy by accepting this ring? This ring symbolizes my promise to you. That I will never leave you and I will always be here for you. I love you baby”

“Yes Mommy! I love you and Mama!” she hugged her parents.

“I love you Camila”

I love you too, Lo.”


Lauren and Camila tied the knot after three months of preparations.

The whole Ocs community attended the party as well as Lauren close friends in the music industry including Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Blake Shelton and many more.

Lauren’s father Mike officiated their wedding.

After the wedding, the family went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and spend an entire week there.

Lauren continue to make music.

And make it bigger this time.

Lauren, Camila and Clara moved temporarily to Los Angeles to be with Lauren while recording her new music.

And they joined her too in the tour after her new album was release in the market.

Clara enjoys performing with her Mommy in the stage.

While Camila watching in the backstage.

After many months of trying, Camila is again pregnant.

They went back to Ocala, so that Camila will have a stable and calming environment.


Lauren went back home after running some errands.

She saw her Camila and Clara laying in the couch taking a nap one afternoon with the newest added member of the Jauregui Family..

Michael Aiden Jauregui.

Camila gave birth to a healthy baby boy last month. She sat beside the, and watched the sleep.

Lauren cannot contain her happiness.

She still can’t believe that it actually happened to her.

She was now married to Camila for almost two years now.

Their little family is growing now.

As if Camila can feel her wife staring at her, she smiled and spoke randomly.

“You are home, Lo,”

Lauren nodded and smiled at her wife,

“You are my Home, Camz. I love you so much. "

Finally Home || Camren Where stories live. Discover now