Chapter 37

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The next day.

Lauren and Camila packed their things and get ready to return to Ocs.

Normani will stay at Los Angeles to take care of Lauren's schedule and other things for her music.

While Big Rob, will stay at Lauren's Los Angeles home to take good care of house while the singer is away.q

Lauren packed the things she bought for her daughter such as music books and new strings for her guitar.


“yes Lo?”

“Do you think Clara will like the things I bought for her?”

“She’s not materialistic Lauren, you should know that by now. Your presence is more than enough for her.”

“I’m happy that they didn’t force me to stay at LA and go on tour.”

“And while you’re still in Ocs, we should have a family bonding. You, Clara and I together with your father and my brother Chris. What do you think?”

“It's a good idea.. but Chris is still mad at me, you know that right? he even rent a house to avoid seeing me hanging out with you and clara.”

“He’ll come around Lo. Don’t worry.”


They arrived at Ocala late afternoon that day.

Camila and Lauren decided to go to the singer’s home to be with their daughter.

They arrive at Lauren’s home.

They saw Clara and his Grandfather Mike playing in the backyard.

They watched them and not long after they were noticed by their daughter who came running towards her parents.

“Mommy! Mama!” Clara excitedly jumps at them.

Lauren kneel down and open her arms to embrace her daughter and Camila joined their mini reunion.

“Mommy, I miss you so much!” Clara told her other mother.

Camila stood up with pout on her lips,
“How about me? You didn’t miss me?” sounding a little hurt.

“Of course, I miss you too Mama.” Clara hugged her legs.

Mike walk towards the little family.

“Hey Lauren and Mila. How’s your little trip?” he hugged the two women.

“It’s really good Dad.”

“Yes, it was great and also I was able to watch her performed live.” nudging Lauren and she smiled.

“Good to know you both enjoy your trip. I'm a bit tired. How about we went back inside the house so you two can also relax for a while.”

The family went back inside the Jauregui’s house and decided to stay in the living while catching up about their trip and Clara activity while they were away.”

Lauren and Camila looked at each other and with knowing glances.

They both decided to tell Lauren’s father and Clara about their relationship.

“Uh Dad, we have something to tell you. And to Clara too.” She glanced at her daughter.

“What is it? What is it?!” Clara excitedly asked her mother.

Mike also nodded at the two.

Lauren reached for Camila’s hand and looked at his Father who gently smiled at her.

“Camila and I got back together. i… uh, I asked her to be my girlfriend again and she said Yes.”

Mike stood up and sat beside the couple and hug her daughter and whispered, “Finally, congratulations Lauren, don’t ruin this again.”

“I know Dad, I will do my best for them.”

Mike hugged Camila too and says his Congratulations to her.

The trio looked at the youngest member of the family who was now sitting silently watching them.

Camila reached for her daughter hand and squeezed it lightly.

“Sweet pea, are you okay?”

“Yes Mama.” Camila nodded at her daughter.

She knows she has still some question so she encouraged her to speak more.

“So you and Mommy? Are you like Uncle Troy and Auntie Ally now?”

Lauren looked at her daughter confused and looked at her girl friend who smiles at her.

“Uh, somehow yes. Ally and Troy are married sweet pea. Your Mommy and I were girlfriends.” Camila explained.

“So does it mean you I can have baby brother now?”

Lauren and Camila both said “NO” and shocked at their daughter’s request.

Lauren cooed her daughter and put her in her lap, “no baby brother yet baby. Okay?”

“Okay Mommy.”

The talked went well.

The family were still hanging out.

Camila and Clara are both in the living room taking a nap.

Lauren and her father are in the kitchen.


“Hmmm?” Mike responded who were cooking their dinner.

“Camila and I decided to have a family bonding these weekend, including Chris. Just a little barbeque part in Camila’s back yard.”

“It’s a great idea Lauren. You know with Chris. I know he still have doubts that you will leave Camila and Clara again. You know that right?’'

“Yeah, I know that Dad. That’s why I decided to be civil with him. I just want to be part of Camila and Clara’s life from now on.”

“Let’s plan that out. I can help you with grilling.” Mike said while winking at her daughter.


The days passed by quickly and the weekend is around the corner.

Lauren and Camila is spending time with each other.

The singer together with her daughter were helping the brunette in her flower shop.

After their all day activities, they always ended up having dinner at a nearby restaurant.

The little family is most likely going strong with their relationship with each other.

Lauren and her daughter are getting much closer.

And Lauren couldn’t ask for more but to stay like that forever.

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