CHAPTER 18: Come with me

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Lauren went downstairs after an hour of picking what to wear to impress Camila.

She finally decides to wear tight jeans, black Nirvana shirt and her famous leather jacket. She settles for black Nike Running shoes. She gets her keys at the living room. She walks to her car and get in.

She arrived at Camila's flower shop. She parked her car in front of the shop. She looks at the glass window and spotted the brunette talking to her client. She watches her while having conversation with an old woman. she looks so beautiful and smiles like a sunshine that brightens the whole room. She continues to watch the brunette outside, until Camila saw her and wave her come inside.

She walks inside and greeted the old woman whom Camila was having a conversation when she arrives.

And make her way to the counter where Camila is.

"Hey Lo! You look good. How long have you been outside? You should come inside."

"Not long. I'm just don't want to bother you from talking to your clients. Are you done? We can pick up Clara from her school and Dad were inviting both of you for dinner."

"Just give me 15 minutes I'm going to arrange a flower bouquet at the back. Okay?"

"Uh. Camz? Can I come with you? I'll wait for you while watching you." she smiles at the brunette.

"Yeah sure. Come on!" She extends her hand to Lauren and pulled her to the back of the shop.

Lauren watch Camila as she picks up the flower to be arrange and placed it on the table near them.

"Need a hand Camz?"

"No. It's okay. They're not heavy."

She mumbled an Okay and continue to watch the brown-eyed girl.

Camila is humming. Lauren recognize it. It was one of her song from her 1st album. She smiled at the thought that Camila listens to her songs even though she was mad back then.

"Hey Camz? There's something I need to talk to you after doing that flowers. it's important."

Camila turns her head to the singer, she nods and smiles after and go back to what she is doing.

But Lauren can't wait. She's bored to death not feeling the warmth of Camila's touch. She straightens her body and walk towards the table where Camila is.

Camila was surprised when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, she already knew it was Lauren she suddenly feels safe and contented having the singer's around her.

Lauren hugged Camila tighter, she gave her a peck in the neck and she rested her chin on Camila's shoulder.

"Lo? What's wrong? Are you okay?" the brunette asks as she continue to do her work.

"I'm fine Camz, I just missed you."

Camila cooed and turn around facing Lauren. "I missed you too Lauren." She gave the singer peck in the cheeks and turn to her work once again.

They stayed silent for a moment, enjoying each other warmth until Lauren spoke again.

"Camz? Would you like to come with me at my Denver concert next week? You can think it about it, you don't have to answer right away. If you say Yes, I planned to ask my Dad to look for Clara while were away for several days and we----"

Camila cuts the rambling Lauren by turning around and give her peck in her lips and she chuckles at the flustered Lauren in front of her.

"You're rambling; I don't know how to shut you. I called your name twice but didn't notice. Why do you want to me come with you? I don't want to bother you at your work."

"No, you're not a bothersome there, because I want you to be there with me. I want you there. I want you to meet my manager and best friend Normani and you know the rest of the crew."

Camila's heart swells. She definitely loves the adorable, rambling Lauren when she is nervous.

She pecks the singer's lips once again. "Of course, I love to go with you, as long you want me to be there Lo."

Lauren smiles. And she hugs the girl tightly. She muttered a soft Thank you in the brunette's ear.

Their sweet moment was interrupted by Taylor, Camila's staff in her shop.

"Hey Cami--, Opps! Sorry" she stops in her tracks when she saw the two hugging.

Lauren never let go Camila, so latter decided to answer her staff without losing Lauren grip on her.

"Oh. It's okay Tay. What is it?"

"Mr. Jones called and he's asking if the bouquet is already done for pick up?"

"Tell him, he can pick it up now. I'm done arranging it anyways. Thanks Tay!"

After hearing her boss' reply she quickly go back inside the shop leaving the cuddly Lauren and Camila.

"Hey, I need to finish these. Can you get the pink wrapper inside?" she said to the singer and before she leaves she gave her a kiss gain in her lips.

Earning a giggle from Lauren and soft yes boss from the singer.

When Lauren came back, Camila was already done with the bouquet and she wraps it with the pink wrapper Lauren gave her.

They walk back inside the shop and Mr. Jones was already there to get the flowers. he said his thank you to the brunette and gave Lauren smile.

Lauren gets Camila's things and hold her hands while walking to her car. She opens the passenger door for Camila which the latter rewarded her with a kiss in the cheeks. After getting in, she gently closes the door and jogs to the driver side.

They went to Clara's school; she was already waiting with her friends outside the door. She jumps excitedly when she saw her parents getting out the car. Lauren gets her bag and they went back to the car and driving to Lauren's house.

Lauren looks at Camila with Clara in her lap talking animatedly about what happen in her school that day. She loves them both. she wants to be part of their life forever.

I can get use to this. I love them. She thought to herself.

Just another update.
Should I continue this story?

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