Chapter 35

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After a short plane ride, they all arrived at LA.

On their way to Lauren’s house, she received a call to attend a meeting with Normani in her record labels’ office.

They all went to Lauren’s house to change clothes and rest for a while since the meeting is in 2 hours.

They were all in the living room except Lauren who went to her room to put her things.

When she went back to the living room.

Normani is sprawled in the couch taking a nap.

Camila is seated on the couch across the tall girl with her eyes closed.

The singer decided to lay on the couch with the brunette.

She slowly lay down with her head on Camila’s lap.

The brunette was startled and open her eyes, when she noticed that it was Lauren she immediately strokes the older girl’s hair and closed her eyes again.

They both were fall asleep.

Camila’s hand was held by Lauren.

They were all startled by Normani’s alarm after an hour.

They all groaned at the loud noise.

Lauren sat up and throw a pillow on her best friend’s direction and landed at her face. The tall girl throws an annoyed look at her.

“Manii, turn off your alarm. It’s too loud!”

“That’s why its an alarm Lauren.” She said nonchalantly.

The singer turns her head to Camila and kissed her cheek.

“Hi baby.”

“Hi.” She said with a shy smile.

“Hey, you two! We should get going or we’re going to be late to our meeting. Where’s your key Laur?” Normani said.

“At the table Mani. Why?”

“We’re using your car.”

“Yeah… Okay.”

“Hmm… Lauren?”

“Yes Camz?”

“Do I have to go with you? Can I just stay here and wait for you guys to come back?”

“Why? Are you sure? Are you okay?” Lauren asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

“I’m okay just a bit tired.”

Normani butt in.

“Laur, the girl should rest. We can leave Big Rob to accompany her.”

“Okay. Big Rob is just outside call him if you need anything. Okay?”

The brunette nods and kiss the singer’s cheeks.

And then turn her head to the tall girl, “Thank you, Mani.” She said.

They all got up from the couch and walk towards the front door.

“Bye Mila. Will be back before you know it. Okay? Well have dinner when we get back.”

“Okay. Take Care!”

“See you later baby.” Lauren said and pecked the brunette lips.

When Lauren and Normani were outside, Big Rob peaked his head on the door.

“Hey Mila? I’m just outside okay? If you need anything.”

“Thank you!”

Camila went back to the living room and opened the Television and watch on Lauren’s Netflix account.

After two hours, still no sign of Lauren and Normani.

Camila decided to check if she can cook their dinner.
She checked the cabinet and the fridge. She shook her head because she can’t find any grocery on Lauren’s kitchen.
She decided to go to the nearest grocery shop to buy ingredients for their dinner.

She got her purse and went outside to call Big Rob.


At the grocery store, Camila kept on thinking which dish she will prepare for Lauren and Normani.

‘Hey Big Rob, what dish do you think Lauren and Mani will enjoy for their dinner?”

“I really don’t know  Mila, those two will eat anything prepared for them especially when you prepare it for them.”

“how about you? What do you have in mind for your dinner? I’ll cook them for you.”

“Oh no need dear. It’s alright.”

“oh common! Let me, just think its my way of saying thank you for accompanying me here.”

“Well, its my job to do so. Anything you prepare is okay Mila.” The big man replied with a smile.


At the meeting.

Lauren kept on moving on her seat. Mani noticed it so she called her attention.

“Hey Laur, what’s the matter?” The tall girl asked while whispering to the singer.

“I want to go home and be with Camila. I’m getting bored.” The singer replied annoyingly.

“it won’t take long. I need you to focus on this meeting. Camila won’t leave your house.”

“What if she did?”

“She won’t. I promise.”

Eventhough Normani assured her friend that the brunette will never leave her house, she was somehow doubtful knowing that Camila has a lot of doubts in her relationship with Lauren.

After a few hours of meeting with her label, Lauren was relieved that she can now go home and spend her time with Camila.

On the other hand,

Camila is done cooking their dinner. She was starting setting the plates and and the foods on the table.

When she finiished, she sat on the couch and wait for Lauren and Normani.

Lauren and Mani were now getting in the car.

“Come on Mani, hurry up! Camz is waiting for me.”

“woah! Calm down there tiger!” normani laughs at her friend.

She like this side of Lauren, playful and carefree. And she’s hoping it’ll last.


Filler chap.

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