Chapter 30: You are Mine

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The two women arrived at the venue.

They were escorted backstage by the security.

The venue was jampacked with fans. You can hear the cheers and scream outside the Arena.

Normani and Camila walked towards Big Rob beside the stage where he was guarding.

“Hello Big Rob” Normani greeted the big guy.

“Can I help you with anything Boss?”

“Yeah, can you accompany Camila in her seat? And stay with her, she’s been receiving hate from Laur’s fans. And this little one is worried that they will come after her.”

“Sure. No worries. I’m keeping you safe Miss Camila.”

“Just call me Camila or Mila, Big Rob.” The big guy nodded.

“He will guide you to your seat Mila. I’ll be there I’ll just have to see Lauren before her set. I will also inform her that you are here and being guarded by Big Rob, she will be pleased.”

“Okay Mani. See you.”

“Can you wait for a while Camila? I have to talk to Normani for a minute.” Big Rob asks the brunette which she nodded.

Normani have a confused look on her face. They walk a little space, not so far from Camila.

“Any problem?”

“Lauren wanted me to tell you that there will be a few things changed in her set.”

“Okay. What is it?”

“She wants Camila to be in stage when she sang her last song for Mila. I think she will call for Camila to come to the stage. Your seats are arranged, Camila and you will be seating in the front near the VIP rows. I will be there at the end of the row to guard Camila.”

“Okay. Just keep her safe. I’ll talk to Lauren.”

Big Rob went back to Camila and guided her to her seat. Some fans were thrilled to see Camila in the concert. Some of them, recognized her and asks for a picture.

She was seated in the front near the stage. Some of the executives from Lauren’s label were there. She knew them through magazines she read before. After a few minutes, she was joined by Normani in their seat.

Not long after, the music came...

And Lauren walks through the center stage. She looks so beautiful and hot with her guitar.

The whole concert went well.

Camila is enjoying the whole concert.

Fans are going crazy every time Lauren sings the famous single in her previous albums.

She knew that time it was the end of Lauren’s set.
But she was confused why Lauren is still there at the center stage.

She turns to Normani, “Should we go to the backstage?”

Normani shook her head and said, “There is still one more song. Let’s wait for it before we go to the back.” And then she smirked.

Camila turns her attention to the singer talking on the stage.
“Hi guys. Can you calm down for a sec? I have something to tell you.”

The crowd went silent after a few seconds.

“I want to tell you that I enjoyed performing in front of you. Denver was really good to me ever since. And I want you guys to know how happy I am right now. Do you guys know Camila?”

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