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"Kaitlynn Michelle where the hell are you" My mothers boyfriend yells from downstairs. I'm not going, because honestly he's a drunk mess. My mom left my dad when I was little so it's just been her and I and all of her boyfriends. This one is insane honestly, and I'm scared of what he might do to me. I already have a pretty big bruise forming on my face from talking back to him. It's not my moms fault though.. 

"Kaitlynn sweety" She whispers walking in my room. She grabs my suitcases, and starts packing them. "Mom what are you doing" I whisper helping her. If she gets angry I'm over for so I might as well help. "Honey you need to leave here, and I'm going to send you off" I felt the tears brimming my eyes, but refused to let them fall. "Mom I can't leave you here" She grabs my hands, and smiles. "He won't hurt me he loves me" 

I don't have alot of things so basically my entire room can fit into three suitcases. I grab the photos of my dad and I, and a few books. "Mom where am I going" She smiles, and motions for me to follow her downstairs. I have two suitcases in my hands, and a duffle bag over my shoulder. She rushes over to the notepad, and writes soemthing down quickly. She rushes back, and hands me the paper. "Here go straight to this address they'll help you" I nodded, and crushed my mom in a hug. I know she's right, and her boyfriend won't hurt her. I don't even know why he hurt me.

I tossed my bags in my suv, and drove away from the past. It's the same house I have lived in since I was an infant. Since my mom made my father leave. I type the address in my phone, and it's a classy neighborhood. Oh that's just great. I look at my clothes, and sigh. I'm in a pair of ripped pants, and a white tshirt. Then to add to my fantastic day rain starts falling hard against my windshield. Thunder is booming around me as I pull up to the house. It's big, but so is all the others. 

I decided just grabbing my duffle bag, and racing to the door. Halfway there I dropped my bag, and had to pick it up. I made it to the front door soaked, and my hair curling slightly. I dropped the bag, and pressed the doorbell. I made sure my hair was kind of hiding my bruise, and waited paitently for the door to open. 

"Uh can I help you miss" An elderly man in a tuxedo asked eyeing my carefully. "Yes my mother sent me here, and I'm not exactly sure who i should talk to" He nodded, and asked me to wait there for a second. The door opened again, and a man around 35 with short brown hair looked me up and down. I knew who he was, but to shocked. "State your name" He asked carefully his eyes look hopeful. 

"K-Kaitlynn Welch" I whispered looking up, and he pulled me into him. "James can you please get Taylor for me" The older man nodded, and pratically ran off. "Kaitlynn baby I missed you so much" He pulled back searching my eyes for anything. "Daddy" I whispered my bottom lip trembling. He nodded, and wiped the tears off my cheek. "Oh baby I'm so glad you're okay" I smiled pulling him back into a hug. 

"Brad what-" I looked behind my dad, and my bestfriend up til I was 8 was standing there. I ran up, and wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck. "TAYZER" I screamed kissing his cheek. "That's impossible Brad the only one who calls me Tayzer is my Kaitybug" He pulled back searching my eyes. 

"KAITYBUG" "TAYZER" We screamed, and he crushed me in a bear hug. "Oh my god Kaitybug I haven't seen you since you were 8. You're so old now" He smiled poking my cheek. He moved my hair out of my face, and frowned. "Kaitlynn who did that" Oh no he's mad he called me by my name. His eyes flaring with anger. "It's nothing Taylor" I groaned unwrapping myself from him. I looked at my dad, and the same anger in his eyes. "Why are you here" My dad asked trying to change the subject. I explained how mom told me to leave, and that she gave me this address. I also explained how I backed talked, and her boyfriend slapped me which Taylor hugged me for that one. After a moment of silence my dad's phone went off. 

"Oh babe I'm sorry yea I'll be there in 10" He looked around nervous. "Kaitlynn I have to go, but Taylor will be here and so will James if you need anything" I nodded as he kissed the top of my head. "I'll see you soon" He walked out, and I turned to Taylor. "So Tayzer wanna show me to my room" I winked, and he just laughed grabbing my bag. When we got in my room I was in awe. It was pretty big, and the bed was amazing. "Hey I was wondering if you maybe want to watch some movies since your dad won't be back til late, and we could catch up" and he kept rambling about if I needed to rest. "Tay let me shower, and I'll be right down" He gave me a soft smile, and nodded. 

I ran to the bathroom, and washed all the rain water off. I slipped on a pair of underwear, shorts, and a tshirt. I made sure to slip on socks, and made my way downstairs. Taylor was already sitting on the couch, and had the remote in his hand. I walked over, and sat right next to him placing my head on his shoulder. 

"What are you doing Kaitybug" He asked with a hint of flirtation in his voice. "Making up for lost time Tayzer" He nodded pressing play, and wrapping his arm around me. Dang he's alot stronger than he use to be. Then again he is also older, and everything. That's how I spent my first night back with my dad with my bestfriend Tayzer watching movies, and cuddling on the couch.

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