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I've been up a while now, but I haven't gotten dressed. I've been laying in a pair of underwear for an hour. I have made no movement or anything. 

"Kaitybug" Taylor sighs watching me on the bed. We were going out to dinner, and I haven't put an outfit out. "Kaitlynn you need to get dressed we have to go" He sighs trying to help me up. "Taylor I'm fat, and nothing fits" I groan, and he looks hurt so I stand up. He pulls me infront of my mirror, and smiles. "You see this gigantic stomach it's holding the one thing that will always be ours no matter what, and I love it. I think it makes you look hot" He shoots me a wink, and I laugh. "Plus you're already 7 months babe he's almost here" I give him a kiss for making me feel better, and he hands me a dress. "I figured your others didn't fit, so I bought you one. Put it on, and meet downstairs" He hurried out, and I slipped the dress on. He was right it fits perfect, and it even shows off my baby bump. I put my heels on, and carefully made my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom everyone looked amazed. "You're stunning" Taylor smiled kissing my cheek. "Ah watch it Taylor you're kissing my daughter there" My dad glared, and Taylor back off slowly. We made our way to the cars, and I rode with Taylor. Walter was in the back, and so was Henry. Taylor didn't think when he placed his hand on my thigh rubbing circles. "Guys we know you're together" The laughed looking at us. "What are you talking about" Taylor blew them off, but what they said next was shocking. "We have hidden cameras all over the house, and as much as you guys touch and kiss I'm surprised no one else has caught you" We both stare at eachother shocked that they've probably seen everything. "Oh my god I had sex with you in the hallway" Taylor looked worried, and the boys laughed. "We shut that part off promise. We kinda installed them when we found out you were pregnant to protect you" I was in shock, and awe that they would do that. 

When we pulled up outside the fancy place I kissed both boys on the cheek. They were great, and they didn't even know it. Taylor grabbed my hand helping me into the building, and he walked us to the table. He pulled my chair out, and everything. The dinner was well we just talked about the baby, and what happens after. We were all done, and ready to leave. Taylor helped me up, and a lady from the doctor's was there. 

"Oh my Kaitlynn you look beautiful , Taylor always dashing" She complimented looking around introducing herself to everyone. "These two are quiet the couple" She smiles at us. "No- no we aren't together" We both state, but she's jumping into her story. "When they went the doctor a few months back they ended up having sex in the room, and everyone heard them" She giggled, and I was to shocked to speak. I was hoping Taylor would, but he didn't. "She was a mess, and screaming Taylor's name" She continued laughing, and everyone was looking at us. "They are the cutest couple ever" She spoke a bit more, and bid us goodbye. "That lady she's insane" I tried to sound confident, but I didn't. My dad's face was burning red, and fire was coming out of his ears.

"You guys get in the car and go straight home" My dad growled Taylor grabbed my hand, and we basically ran to the car. When we got in you could clearly tell Taylor was worried, but I was too. What will he do to Taylor?

When we got home we saw my dad pacing inside. Taylor helped me get out of the car,  and we walked inside. The tension noticeable, and the boys weren't downstairs. "God dammit Kaitlynn tell my that lady was crazy" He asked looking at me and I agreed. "Out of everyone you could have slept with my best friend why not your stepbrothers" He was pacing still, and he turned to me. "WHEN I SAID BE WITH SOMEONE LIKE TAYLOR I DIDN'T ACTUALLY MEAN HIM" His vein in his head was popping out, and Taylor pushed me behind him. "Brad it's not that big of a deal" Oh Taylor you idiot. "YOU'RE SCREWING MY DAUGHTER" Then his fist connected with Taylor's face. Punches were being thrown, and the boys had ran down to stop them.

Blood was being shed, I was screaming for them to stop. My dad backed up to hit Taylor, but I stood infront of him before he hit him again. He almost hit me, but Taylor stopped it. "Taylor get out. Just go" He rubbed his head, and Taylor nodded walking away. "Kaitlynn you're staying here don't you dare walk out that door" I stopped at the door, and Taylor was outside it. "I'll see you soon I love you" He grabbed my face pressing a sweet kiss to me, and then he left. He got into his car, and just left me here. He left, and now I was stuck in hell. In a hell without Taylor. 

I made my way upstairs avoiding the screaming my dad was doing at me. I wasn't going to talk to him if he was going to treat me like a child.

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