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Everyone has been avoiding me. It's been a week since I kissed Taylor infront of everyone, and everyone is acting weird about it. I was drunk, and I really wished I wasn't because now everyone is weird. I think they think I don't remember, but I do I remember everything. It's breakfast, and everything is quiet and awkward. 

"When are we going to talk about what I did" I asked looking at everyone, and they all pratically choked on their food. "You remember" My dad asked, and I nodded. "Why did you kiss Taylor" He asked seriously. He had a bit of rage, but I ignored it. "Because he's my Tayzer" I looked at Taylor, and he looked scared. "Tayzer would be the only guy I'd kiss drunk because he's my bestfriend, and he wouldn't care plus he wouldn't take advantage of me" I looked as my dad got relief across his face. "If I kissed Russell like that one time he tried to kiss me we could have ended up in bed together" He looked shocked, and I was also. "I poured water over Tasha cause she's a whore, and Taylor doesn't deserve that. He deserve someone who will treat him right, and sing with him in the car. Although if Taylor really does love her then I guess I'll put up with her" Everyone looked a bit less stressed

"Why would you deal with her if you don't like her" Walter asked carefully staring at me. "Because I love Taylor so much that I'm willing to put up with a girl he loves" I felt the tears brimming my eyes, but I didn't wait for them to fall. I ran out of the house, and I kept running. Ask me where I'm going, honestly I'm trying to out run my feelings. I stopped when I got to a field. It was just a radnom field, but I walked into it. I laid down, and prayed for a miracle. For someone to take me or for someone to love me. I have no idea, but I just kept looking at the sky until I fell to sleep. 

I woke up to the sound of thunder, and decided to grab a drink before I went back. I bought a bottle of Jack, and started my walk. In the first 5 minutes it started pouring, but that didn't bother me. My hair was soaked, and my white tank top was clinging to me. The bottle was almost gone, and I was infront of my house. The thunder was pounding, and the lights were all out. I finished the bottle, and threw it at the door screaming. If I never would have come to this house then none of this would have happened. 

The door opened, and there stood a beautiful sculpted Taylor. He looked stressed, and I knew it was from me I wished I could take it away. He walked outside towards me the water falling off of his chest. His hair soaked, and here he was standing right infront of me. "Kaitlynn" He breathed placing his palm on my cheek. I leaned into his touch, and smiled. We stood there for a good ten minutes the water hitting us, and he leaned in. His lips grazed mine, and like instinct he grabbedme pulling me into him. He held me tight, and softly kissed my lips. Something like you'd see in a movie, and my arms wrapped around his neck. He lifted me up, and carried me inside. He ran up the stairs, and laid me on his bed. He attached our lips, and started tugging my shorts off.

*Once we were down to just a pair of underwear he smirked at me. "You're so beautiful" He whispered nipping at my skin. He took his phone sent a quick text, and smiled at me. "We have the house to ourselves for the night" He smiled kissing me passionately. My hands wrapped in his hair as he snaked kisses all the way down my body. He pulled my underwear off with his teeth, and he kicked his off. His lips landed back on mine, and we were both on the egde. He pumped himself a few times, and slide into me. My back arched off the bed, his mouth caught mine. Each time he thrusted it made me dizzy. This wasn't fast or rough he was gently and taking in the moment. His fingers grazing over my skin. Each thrust hit my spot perfectly causing me to scream out in pleasure. "I love you so much" He breathed panting heavily. We were both so close I wrapped my legs around him. "I love you" I pushed him deeped, and he went quicker. We were both screaming out in pleasure as we hit our high, and he didn't stop. He rolled over pulling me ontop of him, and he sat up. His back against the headboard, and he started thrusting. I was already sensitive, but the pleasure was beyond anything I've felt with anyone. His mouth leaving bruises against my skin, and he was guiding my hips against his. "Taylor I love you I love you I love you" I shouted as I came undone under his touch again he smiled kissing me. 

"Kaitlynn you're so beautiful" He whispered running his hand through my hair. "Let's shower" I winked, and he picked me up carrying me to the bathroom. Nothing matters right now because Taylor McKinley loves me.

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