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Tasha never goes home. Never, she won't ever let Taylor out of her sight at all. I no longer sit at the table for breakfast, and half the time I can't even eat. I'm sitting in bed debating my options when I truly only have one. "Kaitlynn you look pale" My dad asks sitting next to me, and I'm off the bed. I'm hugging the toilet, and I know what I have to do. 

"Kaitlynn you need to see a doctor" I shake my head, and stand up. " I have to go I'll be back later" I grab my keys, and run to the car. I get in, and take off quickly down the road. I pull up outside Shay's house, and bang on the door. Shay looks shocked to see me, and I grab her hand pulling her inside. "Where's your brother" She pointed upstairs, and she tried to explain he's doing things in the but I don't care. I feel really bad for walking in on Matt and his boyfriend, but I needed to. 

"I'm sorry but I need everyone's attention" I state, and they pull apart looking at me. "I'm pregnant, and I need Matt to be my baby's daddy" I sit, and explain everything, and Matt agrees to it. His boyfriend is fine with it, and Shay has agreed not to say anything. I tell them it's only incase my dad finds out, and that will be soon. 

On the way back to the house I have angry message from my dad. I'm not really concerned until I remember that there's pregnancy test laying on my bathroom counter. Oh my god. I drive a bit faster, and when I get to the house the test isn't on the counter. I start to panic, and he walks in holding it. 

"What is this" He growled staring at him. I'm the same age mom was when she got pregnant with me, and I'm scared what he might do. "It's not mine"I quickly blurted out, and he looked at me. "Then take another one" I quckly said fine thinking maybe he'd believe me, but he didn't. He made me take one in front of him. Since he had to wait five minutes I ran downstairs, but by the time I was almost out the door he was screaming for me. "Kaitlynn" Taylor asked, and I wantedto run. My dad was glaring at me, and I made my way into the kitchen on the other side of the table. 

He was yelling how irresponsible was, and I was a whore. He screamed that I'll never have a life now, and he just kept yelling at me. I couldn't take it anymore I dropped to the ground sobbing. No one dared come near me. "Who's the father" He asked looking at the boys in the room. "Matt" I whispered, and he grabbedd my phone from me. He told Matt he needed to get her asap. I sat on the floor hugging my knees when Matt ran into the kitchen. "Is the baby okay" He asked rubbing my stomach. I nodded, and he sighed happily. He ran a hand through my hair smiling. 

"Sir I'm so sorry" He told my dad holding his hands up. "It was a one time thing, and I wore a condom. I guess it broke, and I'm really sorry" Matt looked so sincere you would have thought he was the father. I felt eyes burning into my skin, but I didn't want to look at anyone. "Matt go home son, and get some rest" My dad rubbed his head, and glanced over at me. "Go upstairs, and get cleaned up for dinner" I nodded runningup the stairs, and I jumped in the shower. 

I quickly got dressed in normal clothes. It was Nike shorts and a T-shirt. the T-shirt was a bit tight considering my stomach, but everyone already knows. I walked downstairs, and avoided everyone's looks at me. I know I look fat, but the need to relax. When dinner came everyone was quiet, but I was eating every piece of my food. "Do you feel okay" Walter asked staring at me. "This is the first meal I've had in weeks" I smile. "Your mother use to eat this when she was pregnant" He smiled softly at me, and I returned it.
"You look pretty far along" Emily noticed I wrapped my arm around myself. "3 months" I shrugged, but Taylor choked on his food. "You're 3 months" He asked and I nodded. I looked down as they got more comfortable with conversation. Talking about how I can't be stressed, and everything. Planning for the baby just watching them they looked so excited. They were excited because it was Matt's baby. Our, but it wasn't. It wasn't ours, and it was killing. 

"Can I be excused" I asked, and they nodded. I walked out, and went up to my room. Laying on my bed I wanted everything to be different. I wanted Taylor to know, and my dad to be okay with it. I watched as my ceiling disappeared benethe my eyes, and I fell to sleep.

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