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Living with my dad is great. His wife is never home, and neither are her kids. It's basically Taylor, my dad, and I all the time. It's been a few weeks, and everything is the same. I still watch movies with Taylor, and my dad still treats me to lunch. I can do this forever. 

We eat breakfast, and everyone leaves to do there own thing. Today is exactly the same. I hangout with Taylor for a bit, and my dad takes me for lunch. We talk, and he wants me to make so friends. I did though I met a girl named Shay, and she seems pretty decent. We've hung out a few times, and she knows about my weird thing with Taylor. I didn't plan to tell her, but she was like "Ohh he cute get some" So we started talking about our awkward encounters. They aren't as weird since no one is ever home, but still.

The entire lunch we talked about the past, and how he wants me to marry someone like Taylor. I made a face at that one. He wants me to be with a guy like Taylor. I don't even think they make those seeing as he's a one and only. 

"So you do know that Emily and I won't be home for like four days right" He asked, and I nodded. They were going on a trip, and leaving Taylor in charge of us. "I better get you home if you're late for your date with Taylor he'll be mad" He says laughing. Taylor is though taking me out to show me around. I haven't been out much, and he said we were going to get ice cream, and watch a movie at home. 

"Yeah you know how he gets" I laugh on the way home. Once I get home Emily, my dad's wife, and my dad we already to go. He kissed me on the head, and she kissed her boys then they were off. I ran upstairs grabbing a sweater, and padded back down. "Kaitybug are you ready" He smiled opening his arms for me. I jumped in them, and he spun me around. "Where are you guys going" The boys asked looking at us. "To get icecream, and we're coming home to watch a movie" I smiled looking back at Taylor smiling. "Oh so you'll be gone for about an hour" Walter asked carefully, and we nodded. They bid us goodbye, and pratically pushed us out the door. 

"They'll are weird" I muttered getting in the door Taylor opened. We drove around laughing, and singing songs on the radio. We even got out, and took a few pictures infront of a fountain. Then we ended at the Ice Cream shop. We both ordered, and took a seat at the cute little tables. "I'm glad you came" He smiled placing icecream in his mouth. "Like I had a choice" I teased, and he pouted. "Awe Tayzer you know I love you" He smiled grabing my hand. He helped me in the car, and we were back to the house. 

When we pulled up it was a bit weird. The lights were off inside, and there was a note taped to the door. 

"You're welcome, and we won't be home til later.
love the boys" 

We shrugged it off, but there was already a movie ready to be played. Candles were lit around the room, and the furniture was moved so the was a mattress laying infront of the couch. I was shocked, and more concerned on my the did this. "I didn't plan this" Taylor said shocked looking at me. "Well might as well put it to use" I shrugged taking my shoes off. "Let me change, and I'llbe right back" He nodded, and I ran upstairs. I decided on just a long tshirt of Taylor's, and socks. When I made my way back down he was only wearing a pair of sweat pants. 

I couldn't help, but take in what he looked like I mean he's gorgeous. His muscles tensed under my gaze, and I looked back at his eyes with a soft smile. "Let's get this party started Tayzer" He smiled sitting on the bed with his back against the couch. I sat next to him, and he played the movie. Some how in the middle of the movie we both ended up laying down. He turned his head towards me, and smiled. "I missed you Kaitybug" He placed a hand on my waist, and I smiled. "I missed you Tayzer" I leaned over to kiss his cheek, and he pulled me on top of him. His hand moved to my piece of hair that fell out of my bun. He pushed it behind my ear, and then the tv said. "Kiss him silly" and I did. 

I leaned down pressing my lips to his soft pink full ones, and he kissed back. His hands gripping my waist, and mine on his neck. He rolled us over so I was underneath him. My hands trying to pull him closer to me, but there was no space left. His lips moving in sync with mine, and our bottom half touching. I needed more I was craving more of him. His lips traled down my neck, and across my collarbones. His hand carressing the skin under my shirt. He pulled back pulling the shirt off, and tossing it somewhere. "Kaitlynn I missed you" He whispered kissing me before making his way down my neck again. 

"Sir Brad-" Our eyes shot up to see Jame standing there with the phone looking shocked. I was mentally slapping myself for doing this in the livingroom. "Yes sir. Taylor Mister Brad would like to explain the details about his arrival" He said stunned looking between us. Taylor got up to get the phone, and before he answered he looked back at me. "We are going to discuss this" I nodded quickly grabbing my shirt before I ran upstairs. What just happened?

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