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       "Shay how fast can you get here" I asked, and she said five mintues. As she was on her way here I explained everything to her, and she squealed. Yes I told her about or first real sexual experience. It's so she's prepared. When she pulled up I had snuck downstairs dressed, and my hair in a bun with a bunch of perfume sprayed on me. I was waiting for her, and just as we entered I saw Taylor at the top of the stairs. I gave him a wink, and hurried to the kitchen. I walked expecting not to see my dad, because I didn't know he was coming . 

"HONEY" He jumped up, and wrapped me in a hug. "Daddy" I smiled hugging him back. "I didn't know you'd be back so early or I would have been here" I pouted, and looked at Shay. "Where were you I checked your room, and you weren't there" I smiled at Shay. "I was at Shay's sorry daddy. Shay meet my dad" They shook, and spiked a conversation. She sat next to me, and Taylor's seat was open for him. When he walked in he had water dripping from his hair hitting his blue shirt, and he looked gorgeous. 

"Ahh there's my boy" They did some weird handshake, and Taylor sat down next to me. "Taylor my man we heard you two all the way in here" I sat there shocked, but my dad just kept congradulating him. "Was she pretty" My dad asked, and Emily hit him. "Oh that must be that girl who walked past me when I showed up. She's cute" I smiled, and I felt Taylor hand on my thigh. "You have no idea" He smiled. "So she must be good I haven't heard you finish that quick ever" Taylor looked down his neck turning red, and my dad gasped. "You love her" I even looked at him shocked. Well everyone did. "Single as a pringle Taylor is in love" My dad cooed pinching his cheek. "We have to meet her, and make sure she's the best" My dad was like a kid on Christmas. I couldn't help, but thank about it was Taylor really in love with me. 

The day went by slowly, and I finally convinced Shay to go home. There was a knock on my door, and Taylor quickly walked in with his hands in his pockets. "Kai-" I raised my hand signaling him to stop. I got up, and kissed him softly. "Don't explain it til you're ready" He nodded, and spun me around pushing me against the wall. "Let's go on a date" He whispered against my neck. I let out a laugh like he was kidding but he wasn't. "You're serious" He nodded kissing me softly. "I'm taking you on a date a real date" I nodded wrapping my hands around his neck. He walked me over to the bed, and laid me down. "You're so beautiful" He whispered kissing my jaw line. 

"Sir" James glanced over at us frowning. "Mister Brad said he wants you to call the girl you love, and for Kaitlynn to call someone to escort her to dinner. You'll be going out to eat" I looked at Taylor wide eyed. "Taylor you can't bring me" I shook my head, and he looked like he was thinking. "James" He asked sitting down on the bed. James walked over, and glanced at us. "James sir what should we do" He looked as if he was thinking also. "I think you two belong together, and that if you don't want anyone to know you might have to bring different people" Taylor and I looked at each other. "We can do that" I smile glancing at Taylor, and he nods. He places a sweet kiss to my lips, and stands up. "I'll see you tonight for dinner" I nod as he walks out. "This isn't going to end well" I tell James, and he gives me a sad smile. 

I pull my phone out, and call Shay's brother. "Hey K what's up" He asked happily. "Uh Matt will you come to this stupid fancy dinner with me" I asked quickly, and he laughs. "Yes I'll be your date to this stupid dinner" I smile, and give him all the details. See maybe this won't be so bad. 

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