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I heard shouting downstairs, and climbed out of bed. "WHY IS EVERYONE SCREAMING" I shouted tying my hair up. I got to the last step, and looked to see Taylor having Matt pushed up against the wall. "Taylor let him go" I groaned rubbing my head. Matt walked over, and lifted my chin. His lips connected with mine, and it was weird. I followed along knwoing why he was doing it. "How are you babe" He asked placing his hands on my hips hitching my shirt up. "No morning sick- hold that thought" I signalled as I ran to the downstairs bathroom emptying my stomach. 

Some one was rubbing my back, and I glanced to see Taylor. "You know Tasha left this morning" He whispered helping me up. "Why I was really starting to like her" I forced a smile, and washed my mouth out. He explained how my dad thought she would stress me out, and I'd lose the baby. I walked out, and Matt looked a bit worried. "I'm fine Matt the baby is just trying to kill me" His face turned pale, and he bit his lip. "I'm kidding" I grabbed his hand, and had him sit down at the table with me. Soon everyone was there, and lunch was severed. "I'm so glad Matt's the father" My dad said out of no where, and I glared at him. 

"Why what if it was someone else" I asked, and looked confused. "Like who" I looked him in the eye. "Anyone what if it was someone in this house. What if I got pregnant, and I'm just blaming Matt" I was getting angry, but I had a right. "It better not be someone in this house, and would you really let Matt take the blame instead of the father" I didn't have to think about it. I wouldn't, and I knew he needed to stop. " Dad Matt's gay" I whispered, and everyone gasped. "Kaitlynn what are you doing" He looked scared, shocked, and worried. "I can't let you take care of me, and this baby even though you want to help. How long would you pretend? Until I have the balls to tell everyone it wasn't you, or until my baby is old enough to know. Matt thank you really, but we can't play house together, and plus I'm sure your boyfriend misses you" He smiled kissing me softly. "I love you Kaitlynn" I smiled, and he walked out of the house. 

"Kaitlynn Michelle who the hell is the father" My dad growled, and I sat there thinking of what I was going to say. "Why don't we just call me a whore, and call it a day" I sighed getting up, and walking away. That just seemed like the easiest thing to do.

I sit on my bed, and just think. I could probably leave, and get far before someone realized I was leaving. I grabbed my duffle bag, and packed it. I started walking down the stairs, but Taylor and my dad were waiting there. "You know your mom did the same thing when she found out she was pregnant" He told me, and I looked down. "Kaitlynn I'm not mad at you I just want to know who the father is so he can take some responsiblity" I looked down, and shake my head. "Why are you protecting this punk" Why was I protecting him oh right. "Because I love him, and I've never loved anyone as much as I love him. He has this friend, and his friend wouldn't want us together so we were sneaking around, a-and now I'm pregnant. He doesn't know it's his, a-and" 

I took a deep breath, and a few tears fell. "And what else Kaitlynn" He asked his eyes soft and worry filling them. "I really miss my Tayzer" I let out a whimper, and wrap my arms around myself. "You know something" Taylor said stepping forward his eyes watery. "I fucking miss my Kaitybug" A tear fell, and he wrapped me in a hug. "Tayzer don't ever leave me" I cry holding him tightly. He nodded putting his head in the crook of my neck. "EMILY BOYS" He called out, but Taylor and I didn't move. "Guys let's go out, and give them some time alone" I heard a bunch of yep, and we pulled back wiping our eyes. "We'll be back late so you two fix your broken relationship" We nodded, and as soon as the door closed Taylor looked at me. "It's mine" He asked, and I nodded. His hands fell to my stomach, and a few tears fell. I pulled his face to mine, and pressed a kiss to his lips. "It's always been ours" I whispered, and he pulled me with him on the couch. He pulled his shirt off, and I pushed my shorts. Thankfully there was already a movie in. We kissed, and really we just made out a bit. Taylor was laying down, and I laid on top of him gripping his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my back, and he held me close. 

"Kaitlynn I love you" He whispered kissing my forehead. "I love you Taylor" 

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