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I go to turn,and there's an arm wrapped around me. We're laying on the couch again, and it's kind of our thing. I look up, and place my lips on his. He kisses back, but our eyes are still closed. His hand moves up the back of my shirt, and back down. He flips us over, and runs his hand up my side. His lips attach to my neck, and he smirks when a low moan falls from my lips. "Shhh" He whispers rubbing circles against my hip bones. He places kisses across my jaw line, and just lays his head on my chest. I wrap my legs around his waist, and push his hips against mine. "Baaabe" He drags out biting his lip.

"We don't have time to do that, and make it to the doctor in time" He whispers kssing me. I know he's right, but I need him. He kisses my cheek, and walks up the stairs. I follow behind, and we head our seperate ways.

*Once we're both dressed, we head to the kitchen quickly eating. When we get in the car I let my hand fall on his knee. "K-Kaitlynn what are you doing" He stuttered driving to the doctors. When we get there no one is there so we head back. I pull my shirt up, and they put jelly on me. "See that right there" He asked pointing to the screen. We nod, and he smiles. "It's a boy" The tears falling from my eyes are quickly wiped away, and Taylor looks excited. "Babe we're having a boy" He smiled kissing me. "I'll come back" The doctor says, and I turn so I'm sitting up. I pull Taylor between me, and smirk trailing my hand down his chest. "Kaitlynn you're bad" He whispers staring at me. "Lock the door, and make it quick please" He nodded taking no time to take my pants off. He slid his off, and quickly entered me. I moan, and he places a hand over my mouth. "No no baby be quiet we don't want them to hear do we" I shake my head, and he pounds into me relentlessly. Each time hitting my spot, and I was biting into his shoulder trying to keep myself from screaming.  As we finished I couldn't help but let his name pass through my lips. I can tell though that he doesn't care he's to proud. 

We quickly clean up, and the doctor walks in smirking. "Are you guys finished" He asks, and we nodded taking our pictures. As we walk out everyone is staring at us. "Bye Taylor" They all chorus, and my face turns bright red. I hurry to the car as Taylor looks like he's won at life. When we get home everyone is waiting for the news, and I'm excited. "IT'S A BOY" I squeal, and Emily runs up hugging me. I know she wanted a girl, but personally I didn't. everyone is chatting, and Taylor walks up behind me placing his hands on my belly. "I love you" He whispered kissing my neck, and I smile. I turn in his arms, andwrap mine around his neck. "I love you Taylor" I place a light kiss on his lips. I pull back seeing if anyone saw, and he drags me upstairs. Once we enter my room he presses me against the door. His lips attached to mine in a heated kiss. "I want you every second of the day do you know how that feels" I nod, and he places kisses down my neck. "I feel like I need you just so I can go on with my day" He pulls us away, and walks us to the bed. He takes my shirt off, and lays me down. I slide my pants off, and he takes his shirt off. He crawls to me, and wraps his arms around me. "I want you so much that I have the need to cuddle with you when our family is downstairs" He places a light kiss to my head, and rubs my stomach. The gesture had me falling asleep instantly.

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