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I didn't even get a chance to sleep last night. I've been avoiding Taylor since three nights ago. The boys did tell me that our parents will be staying a week instead. They also questioned why I was avoiding Taylor, but I didn't tell them.

I finally decided that I'd get breakfast earlier than everyone else by like ten minutes. I hurried downstairs in only a tshirt and sock quickly making my way in the kitchen. I was almost safe when I felt arms wrap around me, and put me on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "Taylor let me go" I whined he had pinned me with his arm to the counter top. "No we need to talk about this you have said anything to me since that night" He looked a bit sad so I gave in. "Fine let's talk about how it's wrong, anf you're my father's bestfriend" I said sternly crossing my arms, and he smiled. "You don't care about my age" I swear I;m dealing with a child. "No you're are pratically family, and you raised me Taylor it's wrong" I was avoiding his eyes, and he knew it. "Look me in the eyes, and tell me it's wrong" He whispered cupping my cheeks. I couldn't, and he knew that. He placed a gently kiss to my lips, and asked if it felt wrong. These little things were killing me, and he must have knew it. He placed himself between my legs, and pressed his lips to mine. 

"Tell me it's wrong Kaitlynn" He mumbled against my lips, but I couldn't. If it was so wrong why did it feel right. My hands grabbed the hair at the nape of his neck, and he groaned pulling my bottm lip between his teeth. I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist. "Taylor" I breathed trying to even out my breathing as he trailed kisses down my neck. 

"Sir the-" We glanced over at a very shocked James again. His cheeks flushed a bit of red, and he quickly composed himself. "The boys are coming downstairs now" He said sternly, and Taylor placed a soft kiss on my lips walking away. James walked over to me wetting a rag. Gently dabbing my forehead, and cheeks. "Miss Kaitlynn would you like to have breakfast in bed" He asked, and  shook my head. "No but if we could keep this from my father and Emily I'd be grateful" He smiled softly at me. "It's not my secret to tell" I nodded walking over to chair Taylor had pulled out. My breathing was even, and I was glad considering that would have been a mess for the boys to see. 

After we ate my eyes were starting to close considering the lack of sleep I've gotten. "Let's go to bed" He asked quietly as the boys talked about nothing. "Go to my room I'll meet you there" I nodded, and hurried to his room. When I got there I sat on the bed, and waited for him to show up. "Okay everything is settled we will sleep all day" He whispered shutting his door, and walking over to me. He flopped down across the bed, and smiled at me. "I missed you" He whispered watching me carefully I smiled, and leaned over kissing him on the cheek. "Is that our thing "I missed you"" I smiled laughing a little, and he nodded. "Yep our forever is I missed you" I smiled, and he wrapped his arms around me pulling the blanket over us. We were in the spooning postion, and his arm tightly holding me in place. "Goodnight Kaitybug" He whispered kissing my neck. 

"Goodnight Tayzer" 

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