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The sound of my heart beating fast woke me. I turned rolling out of bed, and hit the floor. I jumped up expecting to have woke the baby, but that's not what I got. My walls were white, and there wasn't anything there. I ran into the bathroom, and saw that there was a bruise on my face. It can't be. Like on cue a boy runs in looking at me wide eyed. "You're here because Taylor has a wake up call" I ask, and he nods. It wasn't real. None of it was real. 

I run past the kid, and into Taylor's room. He's laying on his back, and I jump on the bed straddling his waist. "Taylor" I hiss tapping his face, and he groans. "5 more minutes" I am beyond mad that none of it was real, because I do care about Taylor. I've always loved Taylor, and I always will. "Taylor" I groan, and he tried to roll over, bur I think of something else. 

"Oh god Taylor please don't hate me" I spoke looking at him. His eyes opened softly looking at me. "Why would I hate-" I placed my lips on his, and he didn't react first, but in seconds he was kissing back. His hands on my waist, and mine wrapped around his neck. I kissed him softly, and my body was on fire. His hands rubbing circle on my bare thighs. 

"Kaitlynn" He whispered looking worried, but I shook my head. "No no questions just kiss me" He nodded rolling us over, and taking control. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and smiled at how he was acting. We pulled back staring at eachother, and he had a stupid grin. "You like me" He whispered looking at me through his eyelashes. "Only since always Tayzer" He smiled kissing me softly. 

We got up, and made our way downstairs. I hadn't planned this, but I felt like I've been doing this forever. Like I've been kissing my bestfriend since day one. His fingers laced with mine, and a smile on his face. When we sat down just like the first day here everything was the same. I even whispered sweet words in Taylor's ear, and kissed his cheek. The boys all looked odd, but I knew they'd find out. 

My dad walked in the same routine. I hugged Emily instead of being a bitch, and we started eating. The funny thing is Taylor even brought up how we were buying paint for my room. When I walked upstairs I pulled him with me, and pushed him against my door. Placing my lips on his. He quickly reacted, and picked me up walking me over to the bed. "Kaitlynn I love you" He whispered trailing kisses down my neck. "Oh Taylor you have no idea how much I love you" I whispered pulling his shirt off. 

See it may be silly that I'm basing my life off of a dream, but honestly I'm just speeding things up. I've always loved Taylor more than a friend. He was always so handsome, and I had him wrapped around my finger. I'm 18 now, and it's been 10 years since I've seen him. I'm as you can call making up for lost time, because I'm his and he's mine. I've only ever lover one boy my entire life, and now I have him. Taylor McKinley I love you more than you'll ever know.

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