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I was currently moving my hand through Taylor's hair. He's really cute when he sleeps, and I could resist. His head was on my stomach, and he was smiling. I haven't decided how to tell him, but I guess I'm going to have to find a way. Alot has happened, and alot  of sex has happened in between. It's been to calm so I know something is about to happen. Taylor actually has a dinner with his parents planned tonight, and they wanted to see my dad. 

"Goodmorning" He spoke lazily smiling at me. "Goodmorning" I whispered sitting up, and pulling him with me. When he sat up I gladly straddled his waist. Placing a kiss to his lips he smiled. "I can't wait til we don't have to hide, and I can kiss you whenever where ever" He had a good point. "When are we going to tell my dad" His eyes got big, and shook his head no. Well he should think of something quick, because honestly I don't know how long I can keep this a secret. It's already been to long. 

The day went by fairly easy, and it came to dinner. Oh dinner we were eating here, and there was suprises. Whenever there was a suprise Taylor and I would fight. I wore the flowly dress from the last dinner seeing as many of my clothes are starting not to fit. I've pretty much been wearing Taylor's clothes, but no one questions it. I decided to wear heels, and there's a knock on my door it quickly opens, and I'm pushed against it. "I really like this dress" He purrs in my ear kissing my neck. "Really I'll have to remember that" I smirk as he runs his hands up my thighs. His fingers hook in my underwear, and a moan slips from my lips. "Shhh baby my parents are downstairs" He smirks kissing my mouth. "Taylor you're bad" I slap his hands away, but he pulls me close to him. "You like it" I run my hand down his chest, and smile. He's honestly the first guy I've ever felt like this with, and it's wrong.

"We have to go downstairs" He groans kissing me. "I wish we could stay in here" I smile as his eyes suggest it, but push him out. We walk down the stairs, and if I be damn Tasha is sitting there. She's sitting at the table, and right next to Taylor. Taylor is next to me, and My dad at the head of the table. Dinner starts and then dessert comes. Nothing is happening so I just kinda sit here, and wait. Meaningless conversation is said, and Taylor's hand is on my thigh. He's rubbing circles, and he tenses every now and then. 

"Yes Taylor's marrying Tasha" I almost choke on my drink, and I quickly recover. "What do you mean I'm marrying Tasha mom" He growls at her. "Well Tasha called us, and said how you guys went on a date, and now she finally feels the same so she'll marry you. I already have everyhting planned" I sit there shocked, and I feel Walter grab my hand under the table. "Mom I'm not marrying her now" My breathing hitched, and I felt like I was slowly dying. "Why not you're old now Taylor you need kids, and a beautiful wife, and someone your age not a kid you've been sleeping with" I'm not quite sure if that's what she said of I'm hearing stuff, but the next thing I know is everyone is looking at me. I feel the tears, and I can't help but laugh at how silly I seem. "I'm sorry I'm just so happy you found him somebody that I couldn't stop them" I thought about what she said, and I knew it was true. "You're right he needs kids, and someone to love him, and someone older than 18" I walked over, and hugged Tasha. "You'll do him good" I hugged her, and turned away from everybody. "Excuse me" I started walking away, but not before I heard his mom. "See she knows who you need" 

I went upstairs, and turned my radio on before laying down. "How can you love someone, and it be wrong? Not only is it wrong, but it feels right. I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears, and through it I finally found peace.

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