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I was awakened by a gushing feeling between my legs. I got up, and more fluid was pouring out. I went to the bathroom, and yes I was in labor. I walked back out well more like wobbled, and started poking Taylor. "Taylor" I hissed poking him, and I had this weird back pain. I kept poking him, and started shaking him. "TAYLOR" I shouted, and he bolted awake. "Are you okay" He asked looking around, and I bit my lip. "Uh Taylor my water broke" I whispered, and he looked around. "T-that means" I nodded. "Taylor I'm in labor"  His face looked a bit scared, and he started rushing around trying to get dressed. He grabbed his shoes, and my duffle bag. "I don't want to go know" I pouted, and he grabbed my hand. "Baby I'd love to stay in bed, but if he does start coming I don't know what to do" I smiled at how nervous he was, and he helped me down the stairs. "We'll let everyone sleep, and call them when the baby is coming" He nodded, and helped me in the truck. 

He placed his hand on my thigh, and rubbed soothing circles even though he was freaking out. His face was cute all scrunched up, and worried. When we arrive we explain that my waterbroke, and they admit me. I'm hooked up to monitors, and the lady looks shocked. "Did you feel that" She asked looking at me. "I mean I kinda had this sharp back pain, but" She laughed. "That's your contractions you must be lucky to have back pain" I shrugged, and she told me she'd call the doctor. When he showed up he told me I was almost dialated enough, and I'd only have to wait another hour. 

Taylor called everyone, and informed them. They all said they were on there way."How do you feel? Do you need anything? Are you okay?" He asked rubbing my head. "Tayzer" He looked worried, and I smiled. "I'll be just fine, I just need you not to faint" He nodded holding my hand. The doctor came back in as Taylor got a text everyone was in the waiting room. They had Taylor sit behind me on the bed like we'd praticed. The nurses held me legs up, and the told me to push. Let me just say the pain level is only a 7 maybe 8. 

After 30 long minutes, and me telling Taylor I hate him, he was here. A little baby boy was placed on my chest, and they took him away to clean him. I moved so Taylor could follow, and see how much he weighed. "He weighs 9 pounds 7 ounces" Taylor shouts shocked, and I laughed. After I was cleaned up, and finsihed they went to get my family. Taylor came, and sat next to me on the bed smiling. He was holding our brand new baby boy. 

"What's his name" He whispered playing with his little hands. "Ashton William McKinley" I smiled looking towards him. He laughed telling me how perfect it was, but I was caught in the moment. I turned his face towards mine, and kissed him passionately. The sound of a camera going off pulled us back. "Awww let me hold him" Emily squealed carefully taking him from me. I leaned into Taylor smiling at our families fight over our baby. We finally were together, and no one questioned it. "I love you Kaitlynn Welch" He leaned in, and I stopped him. "I love you Taylor McKinley" I smash my lips to his in a heated kiss.

This wasn't just a birth. No this was much more it was the start of everything of our life together. Our parents were accepting us, and we didn't have to hide. We now had everything we wanted, and I was happier than ever. I couldn't wait for the days to come.

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