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" Miss Kaitlynn" James spoke from my door. I turned away, and avoided his eye contact. "Kaitlynn you're like a daughter to me, and seeing you like this isn't right" He spoke gently sitting next to me. "Then what should I do" He knows everything, and I'm glad to take any advice he has. "I want you to stop avoiding your family. Go downstairs, and eat breakfast with everyone" His eyes were filled with loving emotions, and I pulled him into a hug. "I miss him" I whimpered into his shoulder, and he soothingly rubbed my back. "I'm sure he misses you, but he'd want you to fix everything" I wiped my eyes, and realized he was right. I already had one of Taylor's shirts on, and my shorts so I walked downstairs. 

I took my usual place at the table knowing everyone was staring at me. I let my eyes fall on the chair Taylor could be sitting in right now, and turned away. When the food was on the table I just took a few bites, and moved the rest in little piles. I wasn't really hungry, but I wasn't going to be rude. "Can I be excused" I asked, and my dad looked at me and said no. He told no I couldn't leave. "Why not" I growled the anger inside of me rising. "Hey sorry we're late" I couldn't believe my eyes in walked Taylor and Tasha hand in hand. They sat accross from me, and I knew why he didn't want me to leave. I heard Emily hiss at him, but he wasn't concerned. "So Taylor are all the wedding plans settled" They talked about the wedding, and ironically it was on my due date. I felt my eyes well up with tears. "Can I be excused" and my dad glared, and shook his head no. I let the tears fall knowing I couldn't hold them in. They were falling fast, and I was aware everyone was staring at me.

"K-Kaitlynn" My dad stuttered looking at me, and I shook my head. "C-Can I be excused" I sniffled, and he looked sad and said no. He was trying to kill me it was clear as day, but why? For revenge, or was this a sick joke. A sob rippled through my body, and I tried to hold myself together. Fist connect with the table, and Taylor's voice followed. "Fuck Brad just let her go" I looked towards him, and he looked like he was in as much pain as me. My dad said no again, and we were both sitting there looking at eachother. There was a conversation going on around us, but we didn't break eye contact. "I'm sorry" He spoke softly looking at me, and my bottom lip trembling. "Tasha we're leaving" He grabbed her hand, and dragged  her out against her will.  As soon as I heard the door close I let the sobs escape freely, and I felt arms wrap around me. "shhhh you'll stress the baby" Walter smiled kissing my forehead. I couldn't stop the violent sobs that were shaking my body. Everything hurt, and I just wanted to leave. Sadly I was on house arrest he was watching all the door, and he had my car keys. 

I let go of Walter, and made my way to my room. I laid on my bed, and took off my pants. I laid looking at the ceiling, and I must have been there all day because the next thing I know it's dark. I hear a tapping noise on my window, and walk over looking to see what it was. I was shocked honestly there at the bottom was a beautiful Taylor throwing rocks at my window. I signalled him to wait, and pratically ran downstairs. I made my way outside, and there standing in sweatpants and a tshirt was my Prince Charming. 

He wrapped his arms around me as I ran into him. "I'm so sorry" He whispered, but I didn't care he was here. I leaned up pressing my lips to his, and he smiled. "Come with me" He mumbled against my lips, and I nodded not really caring where we were going. He grabbed my hand, and helped me into his escalade. When he got in his hand immediately went to my thigh, and rubbed circles into my burning skin. "Where are we going" I asked after twenty minutes of driving. "We are going to my parents" I turned looking to see if he was lying, but he wasn't. "Taylor I can't meet your parents" I pratically yelled, and he smiled towards me. "I want them to meet the only girl I love, and I am telling them I'm not marrying Tasha" He makes it sound like that helps. "Taylor I don't have pants on, and you want me to meet your parents" He shook his head holding my hand. "I promise everything will be okay" He promsied so it must be real. 

"Taylor I don't think I can do this" We were now standing at the door, and I was beyond nervous. I don't even have shoes on, and he wants me to meet them. He had already pressed the doorbell when a half sleeping Mama McKinley answered the door. "Taylor is everything okay" She asks shocked that her son was here so late. "No I'm not marrying Tasha" He then walked into her house dragging me with him. 

"I'm getting your father" She sounded upset oh my gosh she's going to kill me. "Shh if anything my dad will understand" I nodded squeezing Taylor's hand, and he sat us down on the couch next to eachother. After a few minutes both of his parents were walking in, and sat across from us. Immediately eyes were on my stomach, but I was use to it. "Oh honey your dad must be happy to be getting a grandchild. Your boyfriend's a lucky guy" She smiled, but she didn't know half of it. 

"Now you're not marrying Tasha is that what you told your mother" His dad asked sternly glaring at him. "Dad I can't marry someone I don't love you should know this better than anyone" He sighed looking at his wife. "But after time you'll love her" Taylor shook his head. "No, No I won't. Since we're all here, and I'm pretty sure I'm dead either way. Mom, Dad meet my girlfriend Kaitlynn" His mother gasps looking at me. "You're lying to get out of this marriage" He then cupped my face bringing his lips down to mine. Each kiss was like the first, and it heated my entire body. Our kisses were never quick, but as he pulled back my eyes fluttered open. "Oh my gosh" She looked so sad, and I wanted to make everything right. "Taylor that's your bestfriends daughter" She gasps looking at me. "TAYLOR THAT'S WRONG" She shouted standing up, and pacing around the room.

"Tell me why it's wrong mom. Tell me is it wrong that I love her, and she's beautiful. She's carrying my child, and she loves me. All anyone says is oh it's wrong, but what if it's right? What if by some twisted fate we were suppose to end up together, and that is why all this shit happened" The vein in his neck was popping out, and he was angry. "I'm so tired of everyone telling me what's right and wrong. I love her, and she loves me that's right. I don't even care if it's wrong anymore, because in my heart it's right" His voice raising at the end, and she was staring at him wide eyed. 

I stood up placing a hand on his chest. "Relax" I whispered drawing soothing circles on his back with my other hand. "No Kaitlynn I love you, and no one believes it. Not even Brad, and I'm willing to ruin our friendship for you" His hands now laced with mine. His eyes searching mine for an answer. I leaned up placing a kiss to his plump lips. "Tayzer" He looked down running his hand through his hair. "Mom" He whispered looking over for her help. "I just I think we need to discuss this another time" She was shocked and worried. "Why don't you two get some sleep, and we will talk about this when it isn't late" We nodded, and he grabbed my hand leading me down the hall. 

When we walked into a room it looked like his room from highschool. He slid his shirt off, and pulled the covers over us. His arms wrapping around me protectively. "I won't let anything happen to us. I love you" He whispered kissing my head. "Tayzer" He hummed in reply. "I love you" 

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