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Ask me if I love him. I'd probably tell you how crazy that is, but now after a week with him I think it could be. I don't know what he feels, but all this kissing and touching makes me want more. 

*  "Taylor wake you" I groan pushing at his chest. I'm still laying on top of him from the night before. "Taylor dad is going to be home soon, and you have to get him from the airport" I speak sternly, but he isn't paying attention. He's still pretty much asleep. I lean down, and press my lips to his. He instantly reacts pulling me closer, and moving in sync. His "morning wood" does not go unnoticed as I can feel it. I pull back, and he whimpers from the loss of contact. "Taylor" He looks up pouting, and I couldn't help it. I had to lean down, and kiss him. I pushed myself back a bit so our hips meet, and a throaty groan escapes his lips. "You're trying to kill me" He groaned trying to hold back his urge to buck. 

*  "Oh Taylor I don't know what you mean"  I tease bending over licking a strip from his ear to his shoulder. He shivers, and his hands grip my hips tightly. "You're such a tease" He growls, but I rock my hips making him look at me wide eyed. "I'm not teasing you Tayzer" I smirk placing my hands on his chest. I gently rock my hips as a moan leaves my mouth. His eyes are wide, but he leans up pushing his back against the headboard. He steadies my hips at a slow pace, and caputres my lips with his. His hips meet mine, and I want more. It starts out as teasing then my body needs more of him everytime, but he doesn't let me. He keeps telling me we're waiting for the right time. 

*  Moans are the only thing you can hear. Well that and our heavy breathing. My shirt is across the room, and his lips are assaulting my chest. His hands are still keeping the steady pace he has set with my hips, and it's hard to keep my moans in. He's torturing me, and he knows it. My hands run up his chest, and grip his shoulder. We are so caught in the moment that nothing matters. 

"TAYLOR WHEN YOU'RE DONE MEET US FOR BREAKFAST" That voice it's my dad's, and we're both wide eyed. "Kaitlynn" I shake my head. "I got a plan just finish me off please" He looked worried with his lips between his teeth, but he nods. He pushes my hips fast against him, and then out of no where I feel two fingers enter me. I almost scream out, but he covers my mouth. "You gotta be quiet for me babe" I nod sinking my teeth into my lip. His fingers are doing magic, and I let my head fall into the crook of his neck. I sink my teeth into his skin, and he pushed hard pressing right into my gspot. I couldn't stop it I cried out in pleasure, and he smirked not even worried anymore. I placed my mouth next to his ear letting him know what he's doing to me. I let my hand find it's way into his boxers, and wrapped my fingers around his length. His head fell into my neck, and I smirked knowing neither of us can last much longer. He worked at the same pace as my fingers, and soon we were both screaming. We were clinging to eachother, and covering our moans in a passionate kiss. Our hands still going as we milked eachothers orgasm making sure we got ever last bit of our moment. 

"Oh my god" He whispered licking me off of his fingers. "Babe if you keep doing that we'll have to go again" I whispered taking my hand, and wiping some off his boxers putting my finger in my mouth. "Ugghh Kaitlynn" He groaned wiggling underneath me. "What's your plan" He whispered staring at me. "Go shower, and you'll find out" I kissed his cheek, and hurried out of the room. This should be a good one. 

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