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After curling my hair, and putting makeup on I had decided on an outfit. A flowy short black dress, and my favorite heels. I smile in the mirror, and wait til I'm called. Walter insisted that he waits til I'm called. I know Matt is already here, and I'm getting nervous to who Taylor is bringing. 

"KAITLYNN" Oh my god that's my name okay. I take on last look in the mirror, and smile how the dress flows with my body. I walk down the stairs, and I take in how everyone is staring at me. The boys have a dropped jaw, and Taylor ooks like he's about to faint. The girl next to him is glaring at me, and of couse Matt is smiling like a winner. When I reach the bottom step each of the boys kiss my cheek, except Taylor whispers in my ear how damn beautiful I am. Matt kiss my hand, and laces our fingers together. 

"Let's go guys" My dad leads, and Matt and I walk behind him. Matt has a stupid smile on his face, and the boys all have girls with them. We all pile into two different suv's and head off. I was stuck with Taylor driving, and this witch in my seat. He even turned the radio on, and she yelled at him. I was doing everything I could to hold back my anger, but it was getting to me. 

We all sat at dinner, and Taylor went to sit next to me. The witch made him sit away from me like no. I couldn't believe this. We ordered, and dad ofcourse asked them about their relationship. "So Tasha god I haven't seen you in weeks" He smiles, and she says something like they wanted to keep it on the DL. Like no go away. She keeps saying how much she loves him, and he just keeps smiling. She kisses his cheek a few times, and I'm going crazy. "My sister told me" Matt whispered in my ear, and he held my hand. I wasn't even eating cause I wasn't hungry anymore. 

"You love me right Taytay" She giggled pushing her boobs out. "Yeah I love you Tasha" She smiled towards me, and grabbed his face slamming her lips to his. The sad thing was he didn't even stop her. His hands moved up her waist, and her tongue was down his throat. I calmly got up, and grabbed a pitcher of water off the tray. I walked over to them, and calmly spilled the water all over them. 

"OH MY GOD" She screeched glaring at me. "That my dear was for being a whore" I heard everyone gasp except the one I wanted. "Kaitlynn what the actual hell" He growled staring at me. "Don't tell me you actually like her" I asked shocked, and he looked down. "Oh my god Taylor you do like her" I shook me head, and walked away. I felt a hand grab mine, and knew it was Taylor. "No-No" I shook my head, as he begged me to let him explain. I didn't though, and he threw a vase at the wall. I walked out of there with my dignity that was until I got into the cab. 

"Where to miss" He asked carefully, and I thought where would I like to go. I told him the liquor store, and when I got there I flirted my way into letting me buy it. A couple of bottles, and made my way out the door. I started drinking, and kind of just made my way around. I was feeling sick from all the liquor, and way to dizzy. I saw the police station, and even though I was drunk and underage I still needed help. I was on my third bottle when I walked in, and I leaned against the door for a bit to think. "I NEED SOMEONE TO DRIVE ME HOME" I announced, and a bunch of cops looked at me crazy. A cute one walked up, and asked where I lived I told him ofcourse. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and smiled "You're really cute officer" I giggled biting my lip, and he smirked. "Let's get you home" I nodded as he lead me out of the building. I still had my bottle in my hand, and took a swig. 

On the way there I finished it off, and started to fall asleep. "Miss come on" He scooped me up, and walked to the door. I heard it swing open, and a bunch of gasps. I heard the officer explain what had happened, and smiled. "Bye cutie" I blew him a kiss as he left, and when my dad shut the door he was clearly disappointed. "Kaitlynn what happened to you" I giggled, and let my eyes fall on Taylor. A whimper fell from my lips, and I made my way over to him. "T-Tayzeeer" He wrapped his arms around me, and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't stop the words from tumbling from my lips. " I love you" I placed my lips to his, and giggled when I pulled back. He looked shocked, but I had courage. Everyone looked shocked at that. "Taylor let's watch a movie" I said excitedly, and put one in. I pulled him over to the couch, and cuddled into his chest. "Kaitlynn" He whispered, but I placed a kiss to his lips. "No" I told him, and he looked over at my dad. "We'll talk about this tomorrow just let me watch a movie with my Taylor" I told everyone, and cuddled into him. I'm guessing he agreed, because Taylor covered us with a blanket, and kissed my forehead. "I love you" He whispered, but I was already falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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