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Guess what it's Saturday, and I'm dressed. I walk down the stairs wearing my midthigh black dress that has cuts in the sides so you see skin. "You ready" I nodded, and walked out to his car. We got in, and he started driving. "So what's the deal with you and Taylor" I really hope he didn't see all that the other day. "We've known eachother since I was born" It was simple but really it's not. He's been acting a bit weird, but I didn't mind I was too. 

The party let's just say it was packed. People drnking everywhere, and it wasn't really my scene. It's already been three hours, and I'm tired of people touching me. I pulled my phone out, and saw multiple missed calls from Taylor. I quickly called him back, and walked outside. "Kaitlynn" He sounded worried. "Kaitlynn where are you" I told him, and he told me to stay there, and he was picking me up. I don't know why he was acting this way, but he was. I then thought about it, and I need to tell Russell I was leaving. I went back inside, and saw him leaning against the wall. I told him I was leaving, and he told me no. He grabbed my waist, and leaned in to kiss me when he kissed someone's hand. I looked, and Taylor had moved his hand infront of my lips.

"Russell are you drunk" He looked down, and shook his head. He actually wasn't I hadn't seen him drink all night. I was still grossed out he was going to kiss me.  "Come on Kaitlynn" He grabbed my hand, and dragged me outside. He opened the door for me, and I sat there silently scared of what he was going to say. His opinion of me means everything, and I don't want him to be mad at me. 

The entire way home he didn't say a word. Not even when we walked into the house. The lights were all off, and I'm guessing everyone was alseep. "Tay can we watch a movie" I whispered, and he looked over with a soft eyes. "Yeah" He walked over puting one in, and sat down on the couch with a leg extended on it. I grabbed the blanket, and sat between his leg much to his suprise. "What are you doing" His eyes not as soft anymore. "I'm watching the movie" I curled up against his chest, and listened to his heartbeat. I covered us with the blanket, and his arms wrapped around me. I didn't want to watch a movie I wanted to listen to his heartbeat like I've always done. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered his head in the crook of my neck. "It's okay" I whispered, because I'll always forgive him. 


The sound of his heartbeat is soothing even when you wake up. His arms still tightly wrapped around me, and hand resting on his chest. This is wrong though. I feel the cold on my legs, and I know the blanket must have fallen off of us last night. "Nice underwear Kaitlynn" Someone says walking by, and I reach back to feel. My butt is completely hanging out. I sit up straddling Taylor's waist to fix it, but instead I feel his "morning wood", and a soft groan leaves his mouth. I'm still in shock when my dad comes down the stairs. 

"TAYLOR" He shouts, and Taylor springs up only inches away from my face his eyes just as wide as mine. "Taylor are you sleeping with my daughter" Taylor answers, but his eyes are on mine. "Yes" My eyes grow even wider, and he quickly fixes it. "No no Brad no I-I'm not. I mean we were sleeping together but not sexually we were watching a movie last night and-" My dad is laughing so much he's doubled over, and tears are coming out of his eyes. "Taylor I'm just busting your balls" He wipes his tears away, and goes into the kitchen. 

Our eyes are still locked, and I want to move. It's just the way he's looking at me tells me not to. He leans closer pushing a hair out of my face, and he bites his lips. I can still feel him hard as a rock under me, but I just can't seem to move. "Kaitybug" He whispers placing a hand on my cheek. "I'd love to stay in this postion, but you're kinda against me, and it's taking everything I have not to move my hips" I lean forward a bit so I'm not so much on him. "I'm sorry" I whisper before carefully climbing over him. His face flushes red, and he looks a mixed between relieved and disappointed. I don't give him time to talk though I quickly ran upstairs to get dressed. 

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