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"Hey" Someone whispered in my ear. "Hey" They did again a little louder, and then the next thing I know is I was on the floor soaked in water. I looked up at the rude person, and glared. He was tall, and only looked about 18 with black hair. "WHAT THE HELL" I shouted, and looked at him like he was insane. "Taylor has a wake up call for all girls he brings home, and Miss you need to leave right now" He said looking at me seriously. 

"I'm going to kill you" I growled, and he took off down the stairs. I was hot on his tail as we entered the kitchen, but strong arms wrapped around me. "Kaitlnn what's wrong" They asked, and I knew it was Taylor. "THE DOUCHE SOAKED ME IN WATER" I shouted looking at him like he was insane. I was so mad tears were starting to form. Taylor turned me around, and wrapped me in a hug. "Awe Kaitybug I'm so sorry. We haven't mentioned to anyone you're here" "ANYONE" I shouted. I pushed him away, and looked around. "How many" I asked rubbing my head. "Well there is that one, and 2 more, and a wife" A wife that's fantastic. "Just great" I muttered looking at the dumb kid. "I'm going to shower" I turned around as Taylor called out to me. "Dress nice we'll be having breakfast with them" Oh that's just great. 

I took a shower, and made sure to leave my hair wavy. I did my makeup covering the bruise, and put on shorts and a shirt. It was a simple baseball tee, but I'm sure these people are classy. I make my way back down the stairs, and great there are more people sitting. Taylor give me a small smile, and I sit next to him. The boys are talking about nonsense, and my dad walks in with his wife. "Oh you must be Kaitlynn I've heard so much about you since less than 24 hours ago" She smile gritting her teeth. 

"Hi, and I'm assuming you're the wife or the mistress" I smiled, and she looked shocked. "Kaitlynn" My father growled, and I frowned. "I'm sorry my people skills aren't very good" I quickly said since my dad was shooting daggers at me. He smiled, and she nodded sitting down. "Well these are my boys Walter, 17; Henry, 19; Russell is 21" They smiled looking at me, and I tried to hide behind Taylor. 

"K-Kaitlynn" I felt Taylor place his hand over mine, and smile at me. He knows me all to well, even if we've been apart forever. A few people brought meals out, and scurried away. I looked down eating slowly so it didn't look like I haven't had food in months. Sadly with my mom having boyfriends we sometimes didn't eat seeing as they'd take all the money. "Go ahead" Taylor whispered in my ear, but I wasn't going to. I wasn't listening to the conversation about what everyone was going to do until I was asked. 

"I-I uh" Thankfully Taylor spoke up. "Kaitybug and I are going to buy paint for her room" He smiled giving me a wink. "So Kaitlynn you're Brad's daughter you look just like your mother. How is she" I lied saying she was great, and doing better than ever. She didn't need to know how bad it was over there, so I wasn't going to tell her. 

Finally we ended up at the paint store. Taylor and I bickering over colors, and we both finally agreed on a blue color. It was called lagoon or something, and it was cute. All my furniture was black so it would match easily. We bought the paint and supplies then headed home. Singing to the radio, and laughing at stupid jokes from the past. He told me how my dad was now doing really well for himself, and how he was happy. I'm glad he was happy he deserved it. 

After we taped the walls off, and placed plastic on the ground we were ready. The furniture was covered, and now it was time to destroy the room the blue. We had just finished, and I was painting the last little spot when I dropped my brush out of my head which hit Taylor on the forehead. 

"Did you just get paint on me" He glared looking at me. I shook my head, but he grabbed me, and painted my nose. "TAYLOR" I screamed, but he just laughed I stuck my hand in the bucket, and wiped it across his face. He grabbed me, and wrestled me to the ground straddling my waist he poured paint all over me. "TAYZER PLEASE STOP" I pleaded, but he didn't. I tickled him, and rolled him over so I was straddling him. I rudded the paint from me all over him. We were breathing heavy, and he reached forward moving a piece of hair from my face. His hand resting on my cheek, and I leaned into his touch. 

"Kaitlynn" I scurried off of Taylor, and looked at the boy at my door. "R-Russell right" He nodded, and Taylor excused himself pratically jogging out of the room. "Uh I wanted to know if you wanted to go to a party with me Saturday" Saturday that's in 3 days. I nodded, and he smiled. "Alright be ready at 7" I nodded, and he left thank god. I'm still hung up, and wanting to kiss Taylor. 

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