Chapter 1

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Fuck. The brunette threw a pillow at her alarm clock hoping to shut it up so she could get just a few more minutes of sleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Groaning inwardly she reluctantly got out of bed, shutting off the stupid alarm clock. Walking to the bathroom connected to her bedroom she glanced in the mirror.

First day of my last year of high school.


She looked like an absolute mess contrasting how well put together she usually looked. Grabbing a random hairbrush a delicate hand started running it through dark brown locks. After brushing her pearly white teeth and taking a quick shower she made her way back to her room to pick out an outfit.

Finally deciding on a white sundress that complimented the brown eyes beauty's tan skin. Checking her phone she saw that there was still had an hour before she had to be at school so she took her time as long legs wandered downstairs and made herself a quick breakfast.

Like usual her parents were no where to be seen. They used to try and make it home or at least leave a note for moments like this but they stopped around middle school. One of the cons of having her parents run a multi-billion dollar company. Letting out a small sigh she grabbed her bag and walked out of the house, she couldn't call it a home anymore. It was anything but.

Hopping into her new Mercedes Benz she gave herself one last look in the rear view mirror. Mentally preparing herself for the hell that this year would be.


Sauntering through the school doors, let's just say she knew how to make an entrance. Feeling all eyes on her, the Spaniard put on her most charming smile and made way to her locker.

First class, English. Quickly putting her things into her locker at the sound of the warning bell and started walking towards her class.

Of course she was there. Loren Carson. Looking annoyingly flawless as always, she was wearing dark blue skinny jeans that perfectly complimented her legs and ass, and a black cropped tee the showed off a sliver of her stomach. Not enough to where it was approaching on slutty, but just enough to want more.

She cursed inwardly for letting herself notice that her butt looked perfect in those pair of jeans, but doesn't it always?  And before you ask, no, she definitely did not have a 'crush' on Loren Carson. Never have, never will. Well, as long as she keep telling herself that.

They were definitely similar on a social status. With both of their families being filthy rich it was hard for both of them to see little of each other. Although rarely speaking directly to each other, there was always this uneasy tension between the two girls.

She made her way to her seat which of course she had to be blocking the way to.

"Excuse me,"

Her voice thankfully not betraying her and sounding authoritative but not aggressive.

The blonde raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow in a questioning but intimidating look.

"you're in the way to my seat."

The short brunette had to slightly look up at the blonde in order to maintain eye contact as the blue eyed nuisance stood at a 5'8 height, while the other girl was only 5'5.

Full lips curved into that signature smirk and her body moved so that she was now more in Cindy's way than before. She bent down so that her lips were now next to the brunette's ear.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Shivering slightly at the feeling of the blonde's warm breath so close to her, Loren's lips slightly brushed her ear.


The short girl's tone now holding slight annoyance. It was way too early for this.

The room fell silent upon noticing their interactment. The whole school of course noticed the tense atmosphere surrounding the two girls since freshman year.

"Make me."

"Is there something wrong ladies?"

The brunette whipped around to find the teacher standing behind his desk waiting for a reply. Putting on the sweetest smile she could muster, she made up a quick excuse.

"Of course not sir, we were just on our way to our seats."

Smiling at the girl's reply he gestured to another empty seat and sat down at his own. Shooting a grateful smile at him she walked over to her new seat. Teachers, so easily fooled.

She didn't need to look at Loren to know that she was rolling her eyes. Cindy quickly sat down and tried to endure the painfully boring lesson that she knew would come.

Cindy turned around only to see the source of her problems staring straight back at her. She raised a slender middle finger up at the brunette and sticked out her tongue.

Real mature.

Turning her attention back to the lesson. Cindy did the same rolling her eyes.

Way to start the year.

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