Chapter 7

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"Honey, hurry up and get in the picture!"

Cindy closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.





The faster you do this, the faster you can escape her clutches she told herself.

She plastered on a large grin and approached her mother. The older brunette was already in frame for the photo along with her father. Levi was standing in front of them, bathing in the praise they showered him with.

Cindy was grateful that this event almost always took place in an outdoor setting. It felt less suffocating and chatter could never echo off the walls considering there were none outside.

Instead of normal parents, Cindy's urged her to date the blonde jock. He also came from a relatively influential family which was the main motive behind her parent's insistence.

Once she was close enough to her parents and boyfriend, Levi pulled her close by the waist and placed a slobbery kiss on her cheek. She tried to keep her disgust hidden, but it was hard when it felt like a spitball just struck your cheek.

Feeling a pair of eyes on her, Cindy turned her gaze, meeting a pair of smoldering blue eyes. The blonde held an expression that resembled one similar to Cindy's.


It was different seeing that on Loren's face. Usually, she looked smug and confident, unsure and discomfort were not one of her usual looks.

Cindy smirked. Maybe she would play around with this a bit more.

The brunette grabbed her boyfriend's face with both hands and pulled him into a kiss, knowing he blonde would be watching.

To say the least it was short and gross, at least for Cindy, but it was worth it when she pulled away and saw the look on Loren's face.

The blonde looked utterly flustered as her face was slightly scrunched and she was biting her lip in slight horror. Cindy only smirked more when the blonde realized she was staring and quickly turned away, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Blushing was also not a typical Carson move.

"We're in public Cindy, please keep your affection modest." Her mother scolded in a quiet but harsh tone.

Cindy closed her eyes for a moment, trying to stop herself from lashing out.





"Yes mother." Cindy replied in a forced tone.

Her father stayed quiet as always. He never criticized Cindy, but he was never her protector either. He was just there. He played almost no role in Cindy's life.

Sometimes, if he was even at home, the brunette would compare him to a ghost, only regaining life around people outside of their family, and then turning back to a floating figure once they left.

The four lined up in the row, Cindy and her mother in the middle, and her father and Levi on each end.

Levi wrapped his arm around Cindy's waist as they were posing for the professional photo, likely to be posted somewhere and advertised as a "family prioritized company."

Bullshit Cindy thought.

She shuddered as she felt Levi's hand slowly snake down her lower back. She couldn't prevent him as one arm was resting on his back, and the other on her mother's.

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