Chapter 20

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7 Years Later

The high pitched ring of the phone pulled her out of her work.

"Ms.Carson, you have a visitor."

Loren sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. What was the point in having an assistant if they didn't listen to you.

"I told you no visitors today, Sam."

"Y-yes ma'am I know, but she said it was urgent."

The blonde could hear the quiver in the other girl's voice through the phone.

"Fine, if it happens again, you're done." She seethed as she slammed the phone back into it's receiver.

Loren felt as if she had cycled through dozens of assistants the past few years. Her dad said that if she kept this going, she would run out of people in France to hire.

She could feel a sprouting ache in her head as she rubbed her temples, hoping to relieve it before it turned into a migraine.

The sound of her large office doors startled her out of her thoughts.

She didn't need to look up to know who it was.

"Lor Bear! I come bearing gifts." Eliza grandly stated, sauntering to the blonde's desk like she was on a runway.

The brunette set the vase of baby blue flowers on the corner of Loren's desk. After doing so, she walked around the enormous desk to the blonde's side, and placed an obnoxiously wet kiss on her cheek.

Loren made a show of wiping her face with the sleeve of her blouse, as her nose scrunched in disgust.

"God, the least you could do is knock." She said, as she rolled her blue eyes.

Eliza had moved to France a few years after the blonde. She said she moved for the modeling opportunities, but Loren knew it was just because Eliza wanted to keep an eye on her.

And no, they don't sleep together anymore.

At least not when they're sober.

Eliza had darkened her hair a few years ago, so now it appeared a much darker brown. It was something that made her eyes appear even brighter, and made her almost impossibly more attractive.

However, when she had dyed it darker, Loren couldn't help but let it remind her of the girl from high school, with her dark brown hair that she used to weave her fingers through.

Eliza moved back towards the head of the desk, and plopped into the dark leather seat in front of the blonde's desk. She propped her heels onto Loren's desk, flaunting her red bottoms, and rested the length of her arm against the back of the seat.

The blonde shook her head at the antic, and continued to sort out her paperwork, getting back to the work on her desk.

"God, you are so fucking boring." The brunette stated as she squinted her eyes at Loren, almost as if she didn't recognize her.

When the blonde didn't respond, Eliza just continued. "Like you literally used to be the life of the party."

When Loren didn't reply, it just egged the brunette on. "Remember that time we stole Mrs.Smith's desk and put it on the roof top?"

Again no reply.

"Remember that one night I gave you head in Aaron's laundry room?"

This moment was definitely not one of Loren's brightest.

"Oh my gosh, you're gross." The blonde's face scrunched at the memory. They had accidentally broke Aaron's iron board and he was grounded for three months.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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