Chapter 15

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"Hold on a sec, i'll get you a towel."

Cindy mumbled, wrapping the only towel on the towel rack snugly around her body, and exiting the shower in order to get a towel for the blonde.

The two girls had spent much longer under the water than was probably necessary, but the brunette didn't care that her water bill would probably sky rocket this month. Not like they didn't have the money for it anyways.

After the two had finished doing the deed, they had helped each other massage shampoo into the other's hair, and innocently running soap covered hands over the other's body.

At least as innocent as they could possibly be.

Grabbing a towel from her room, Cindy began to make her way back to the bathroom, only to stop when she saw a slip of paper on the floor.

It must've slipped out of someone's pocket in the midst of everything.

Cindy concluded, so she reached over to pick it up, planning on discarding it, but stopped when the contents caught her eye.

Carson, Loren Escarlet

Flight number: BA2719

From: Paris, France

To: New York, New York

Arrival: Tuesday November 12, 9:54 pm

Cindy stared at the sheet of paper, baffled. Beginning to put puzzle pieces together, Cindy realized that after landing landing, Loren headed straight to her house.

The brunette saw red.

So this blonde bimbo thinks that she can stop by at the wee hours of the day for a quick fuck?!

Of course there were spiraling rumors about the blonde getting around.

Before their agreement, Cindy always made sure to add to them and continue spreading them. Of course they were often ridiculous such as the blonde getting with three guys at the same time, or going at it for 28 hours straight, and lastly, flying to Paris to meet her mystery lover.

They all, of course, had to stem from at least some truth.

At least that's what Cindy told herself.

So with a new found, red glint in her eyes, the brunette stormed back into the restroom, ready to confront the demon herself.

Hearing the door open, Loren poked her head out behind the shower glass.

Her bottom lip jutted out in a fake pout. "What took you so long? I was getting-" but was interrupted when a seething brunette shoved the ticket in the blonde's face.

"What the fuck is this?! I bet you were going to meet one of your escorts huh?! Who the fuck goes to Paris for a week for no special reason?! City of love my ass!"

The tan skin of the brunette's face began to redden as she yelled more and more assumptions towards the wide eyed blonde.

"Cindy-" Loren began in a soft tone, but was once again interrupted.

"Don't Cindy me! You can't just show up whenever you want me Loren! I'm not just a quick fuck!"

Tears began to well in her eyes in the midst of her rant. She took a deep breath and clenched her jaw, hoping to suppress the salty tears forming in her eyes.

She hated vulnerability, and Cindy would be damned if she ever let the Loren Carson see her cry.

"Well then what are we supposed to be?" Questioned Loren, her voice sounding harsher than it was supposed to, making the brunette scoff, but she continued.

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