Chapter 5

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Finally. It was the end of the week, and Cindy couldn't wait to get out of here.

The last time she had seen the pesky blonde was at the dinner in her house.

As much as the brunette hated to admit it, the blonde's absence affected her. A lot actually.

Everywhere the brunette turned, she would search for a blonde head, or a pair of stormy blue eyes, but to no avail. The blonde was no where to be seen.

Currently, the brunette was seated at a table in the school's courtyard, wasting time because she got to school early. She was looking through her Calculous textbook until a pair of hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who." A voice whispered in her ears. Cindy wanted to roll her eyes, she almost forgot he existed. "Levi?"

Meet Levi. Her boyfriend.

He removed his hands and occupied the seat next to her. "Miss me babe?" This time Cindy really did roll her eyes. Thankfully she was slightly turned away from him so he didn't catch it. "Of course." She gave him a tight lipped smile. His jock brain of course took it for a genuine one and he leaned in for a very slobbery kiss.

Cindy furrowed her eyebrows.

God this is disgusting.

Was the only thought that crossed her mind.

She had been dating Levi for about a year now. Any other girl would kill to be in Cindy's place. He had messy, dirty blonde hair and a defined facial bone structure. But what every girl really loved about him was his body. Oh boy he had the body of a god, especially because of football.

Cindy however never took a liking to him. She only dated him because it's what was expected of her. She was one of the most popular girls, he was one of the most popular guys. It just made sense.

He had been in Italy the entire summer, and had only gotten back on Wednesday, although his absence was almost unnoticed to Cindy. They hadn't spoken almost all summer due to her boyfriend's "bad signal."

He wrapped his arms around the brunette's waist from the side, and leaned into her ear. "How about you come over after school. I missed you."

Cindy felt like she was going to vomit. She had had sex with him a handful of times, and every single time she felt repulsive afterwards. Like she had done something wrong.

"I have cheer practice after school." She didn't really, but he didn't have to know that. "Skip it. I really miss you."

He began to run his hand up and down the length of the brunette's thigh. Cindy crinkled her nose in disgust. Did he really think this would change her mind.

The brunette began to frantically look around in order to find an excuse to leave, but as she was searching, her gaze landed on a pair of stormy blue eyes.


"I-I um have to go the restroom." Cindy bolted up and practically ran to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and saw an unfamiliar face. She looked dead. Her face and attire may have looked perfect, but her eyes gave her away. They were devoid of any life. All she could see were cold brown eyes staring back at her.

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