Chapter 9

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This was never Loren's intent.

Her mission was simple.

Go in, wrap Cindy around her finger, then break her heart.

That was the plan.

Cindy had made her high school life a living hell.

She was the top of her eighth grade class, and well liked and respected by her peers. Everyone just assumed she was dumb due to all the trouble she got herself in, but being part of a multi million dollar company didn't give her the opportunity to be dumb.

She was groomed to be an heir to her parent's company from the age of three. She knew French, Spanish, and Italian, she started piano at age three, and cello at five. She even knew how to do basic algebra at the age of six.

People liked to assume things about her, they were always wrong, but she eventually became tired of correcting them.

Then ninth grade hit like a pile of bricks.

When the blonde met Cindy, the brunette took every opportunity she could to jab at her.

Everything the blonde had established in her name had crumpled the second Cindy stepped through those doors. The label of valedictorian was stolen from her, and the brunette turned all of Loren's friends against her. The blonde even used to be a cheerleader before Cindy stole the position of co-captain.

Cindy would force Loren to do extra drills and run for hours, and everyone would agree that it was justified.

The only way Loren was able to build herself back up was to create a new reputation of being the "spoiled, ill-tempered kid." A part of her even began to believe that that's all she would ever be.

But Loren always found a beauty in the way the brunette carried herself. She was a total bitch, but an elegant one at that, and Loren couldn't help that a small part of her always admired the brunette, no matter how terribly she treated her.

All Loren knew was that Cindy wasn't acting that way because she wanted to. There had to be a reason.

A loud snore pulled the blonde back into reality. She turned her head slightly to the right to see one of her flings lying naked on his back.

He was moderately good looking, with his dark brown locks and chocolate eyes.

Now that Loren thought about it, if Cindy had a brother, this is exactly what he would look like.

She slightly regretted asking to come to his house, but she desperately needed the release. Granted she could done it far better herself considering he was quite boring, and below average.

As quietly as possible, Loren slipped out of the bed and retrieved her clothes, all thrown onto the floor of his bedroom. Quickly getting dressed, she slipped out of his house and into her car, driving home.

Upon arriving at her gate, she saw an unfamiliar car parked outside of it. A black, sports Maserati, with windows that were far too tinted to be legal.

Who would be at her house at eleven at night?

Her question was quickly answered when the door to the other car opened, and out came an annoyed brunette.


The brunette strutted to Loren's car, and impatiently knocked on her window. The second the blonde pulled it down, an array of scolds and remarks flew her way.

"Where the fuck have you been?! I've been waiting outside your gate for three hours, and no one would fucking let me in! Do you have any idea what time it is?! I swear to God Loren, you're so reckless-" She practically screamed at the blonde sitting in the car, her hands were waving animatedly with each statement, until she was interrupted.

"What are you doing here Cindy?" Loren asked quietly. She had assumed that after their argument earlier that day, the brunette didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

Cindy's face slightly softened as she peered down into blue eyes, which looked much duller than usual. "Can I come in?"

Loren just nodded before gesturing the brunette to get back in her car. She quickly typed in her gate's password and drove into the circle driveway, leaving it there considering she wasn't expecting her parents to come home anytime soon.

Cindy's parked her car behind the blonde's, and the two made their way to the front door, the brunette following Loren's strides.

Cindy began to speak as they made their way to the spacious living room.

"You know once we take over our parent's companies, our businesses will be in line with each other." She paused slightly and admired the living area before settling her gaze back to the blonde's. "Considering our parent's partnership doesn't go to shit." She added with a slightly bitter undertone, but hid it under a small chuckle.

"Sounds like you have a lot of faith in mommy and daddy dearest." The blonde said sarcastically.

Cindy scoffed. "We both know the outcome. They're making a lot of money now, but the second their profit sinks, they're out."

"What are you getting at Cindy?" The blonde asked with confusion.

"What i'm saying is," The brunette took a step closer. "their relationship will crumble," Step. "which means that in six years when we take over," Step. "our relationship will be only that of enemies." Step.

Their faces were only inches apart, and both girls had to resist the urge to just lean in and capture the other's lips. "I still don't understand." Loren whispered out.

"It doesn't matter what we do now, because we'll be forced to hate each other later." Cindy replied as she raised her hand to affectionately stroke the blonde's cheek. "I'm sorry for saying those things earlier, I didn't mean it."

Loren placed her hand on top of the one resting on her cheek, holding it in place.

"I don't hate you." Cindy whispered quietly.

"You will." Loren breathed out before capturing the other girl's lips in a searing kiss, forgetting the fact that time was running out.

2k reads ?!?! thank you so much for reading and commenting and voting and all that good stuff. my literal motivation to write 💘💘💘

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