Chapter 3

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Cindy didn't exactly know how she got into this position. Currently she was being straddled by a certain blonde, struggling to get ahold of the object she was holding.

A cigarette.

After lunging at her to get the item she was holding, Cindy also accidentally shoved her onto the bed. Things were looking promising as Cindy had the upper ground. . . that is until the blonde flipped their positions.

The blonde held her arm high, keeping the stick of nicotine out of Cindy's reach.

Ugh stupid tall people and their stupid long limbs. The brunette groaned loudly in annoyance, the smirk on the blonde's perfectly symmetrical face wasn't helping.

Loren tsked placing her pointer finger from the hand that wasn't occupied, on Cindy's mouth, shushing her.

"Don't want mommy and daddy to hear now do you."

The blonde said in an amused but hushed tone.

It's as if her hand had a mind of it's own. The blonde had no idea what she was doing, but she couldn't find it in herself to stop.

She moved the finger down slightly pulling Cindy's bottom lip with it. Her finger was now trailing her jawline, running down her neck, and ending at her collar bone. Their eyes stayed in an intense stare the entire time.

Cindy could see the blue of her eyes darkening, knowing exactly what the blonde was feeling.


Suddenly hyper aware of the weight on top of her, she quickly pushed her off and basically launched off the bed. Running over to the door she quickly closed it to hopefully muffle the argument that was bound to come.

Before Cindy could even turn around the blonde was already speaking again.

"So tell me,"

Cindy could practically feel the smirk she was wearing.

"what exactly does Miss.Perfect need this for?"

Cindy turned around to see Loren holding up the cigar between her pointer and middle fingers , blue eyes intensely focused on it as if trying to figure out what it was.

The brunette opened her mouth to reply, only to close it again. Doing this a few more times she finally surrendered and slid her back down the door into a sitting position, tucking her knees to her chest.

"Please don't tell."

Cindy pleaded, obvious desperation in her voice but she didn't care. No one ever saw her like this. She made sure of it.

She had to maintain a happy face. She thought that maybe if she pretended she was happy, she would start to believe it herself. It never did quite work though.

But right now she was far too tired to even try and sound composed. If you were to strip her of her makeup and take a good look at the brunette, you would see bloodshot eyes from not getting enough sleep, and dark circles beginning to form under them.

Loren quickly detected the brunettes tone, taken aback as she had never heard such vulnerability in the shorter girl's voice.

Blue eyes flashed pity and sympathy, only to dissipate faster than it came.


She couldn't give Cindy the satisfaction of her sympathy. She had spent years building up walls around her, and she wasn't about to let some girl tear them down. Especially the girl who just left her all hot and bothered after being pushed off of her slim body.

Cigarettes (girl x girl)Where stories live. Discover now