Chapter 8

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Time was running out.

A week has passed since they made their "agreement" and they haven't even done the deed.

Not that either of them minded since it was full of teasing and sexual tension, but both of the girls wanted more. There was no doubt about it.

Cindy could speak about how much she hated the blonde all she wanted, but she wanted nothing more than to just take her in bed.

Classes were normal with angry glares being shot back and forth when one girl made a remark towards the other, only for them to meet in the bathroom fifteen minutes later and make out like their lives depended on it.

If anything, they were more brutal towards each other than normal. The tension between the two was building up and it did not look good.

The brunette couldn't even focus on her studies because all that occupied her mind was the blonde. Her long blonde hair, and her soft pink lips, and her incredible body-

Aghh I can't do this.

Cindy slouched down in her seat, and held her head in her hands. Three months of this was practically torture, and the brunette was sure this went against the eighth amendment.

She was sitting on a bench inside the girl's locker room, just finishing cheer practice.

Her body craved the blonde to the point where she couldn't go a couple hours without making any sort of physical contact with her. Sometimes the brunette would text Loren to meet in the bathroom just for a small peck and a hug before leaving for class.

The whole "fuck buddy" thing wasn't even an accurate name anymore. Their relationship was really a "make out with me then hug me buddy."

Cindy had never felt attached to anyone, she always felt as if people were replaceable, but the thought of doing the things she was doing with Loren with anyone else was nauseating, and she had a boyfriend for crying out loud.

Oh yea, Levi.

She was cheating on her boyfriend with the girl she's hated since freshman year.

God this is so fucked up.

"Something on your mind?"

A voice sounded behind the brunette, making her slightly jump in shock. She turned her body around completely to face the culprit only to see the one one and only Loren Carson.

"What makes you think that?" Cindy replied with another question.

"I've been standing here for like eight minutes and all you've been doing is stare into blank space." She responded as her long legs carried her to where the brunette was sitting. She leaned down to Cindy's height since the brunette was sitting, and placed a searing kiss on her lips.

After pulling away, Loren straddled the spot on the bench next to the brunette, allowing the blonde to face her.

The blonde looked at Cindy's side profile. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, probably from cheer practice, and her bottom lip was stuck between her teeth, making them look extra kissable.

Loren grinned at the sight, Cindy just looked extra adorable. The blonde wrapped her arms around the brunette from the side, and pulled her close, kissing the side of her neck, thankful that her hair was already pulled up into a ponytail.

Cindy wanted nothing more but to relish in the warmth that radiated through her body, but against her better judgment, she pulled away and stood up in front of the blonde.

"We need rules." The brunette stated, her eyes stared down at the blonde in an intimidating way.

Loren furrowed her eyes up at the brunette. "Okay? What are they?" She spoke slowly, confused as to where this was coming from.

"Okay, first, no more of this." Cindy gestured between them. "No more of this fluffy stuff, we're not a couple so we should stop acting like one."

Her voice held a certain amount of disgust and malice in it that kinda made Loren want to hug and shield herself from the other girl's words.

"Any interaction we have will be when we have sex, which this whole arrangement was about in the first place."

"And no more of this teasing crap, you know damn well I hate you and this whole situation."

Loren just sat there stunned, where was this coming from? Cindy seemed fine just the day before when they were together in some random bathroom.

Now that the blonde thought about it, they did
a lot of things in the bathroom.

"But you're the one that's always calling me?" Loren just wanted some clarification. She was confused and slightly hurt and just wanted to know why the brunette was doing this.

"I call you out of pity. Might as well give you the best out of this shitty agreement right?"

Cindy Leclair, considered the school sweetheart, the kindest soul you could find, was anything but, as Loren found out in that moment. She could put up a front all she wanted, but she was still a conniving bitch who found it necessary to stomp on Loren whenever she got the chance.

From freshman year when she stole Loren's volleyball uniform as a joke, or sophomore year when she spread a rumor about the blonde sucking a guy's dick under the bleachers, she would always be the villain in Loren's story, even though the blonde always hoped that maybe she could turn into the hero.

"If you hate me that much I'll just call it off. I'm sorry for forcing you into this. Your secret's safe with me." The blonde pushed herself off the bench and walked towards the exit of the locker room. Tears prickled the back of her eyes and it took everything in her to keep them at bay, because as much as she hated to admit, as much as it pained her to admit it,

she had fallen hard for the brunette,

the girl who got constant detentions for being rude to teachers, the girl who's been in more fights than she could count, the girl everyone thought was as cold as stone, had fallen for the school's sweetheart.

idk why this is so angsty. i've been in the BIGGEST writers block for this specific story for a few weeks and idk what to dooooo. i might end up unpublishing this chapter if i come up with a better idea for it because I LOVE a slow burn, but this is burning really really slow and the only reason why is because i really just don't know where to take this book. i just feel kinda unpassionate about this story but i also don't want to unpublish it because it's my most successful book. idk just let me know what you think bc i literally have like 4 more stories i'm much more engrossed in, but i believe in only publishing one book at a time bc things start to get really messy and crazy once you start publishing like 5.

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