Chapter 11

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So here Loren sat, awkwardly sipping on her coffee, while Eliza and Levi chatted away across from her, and a certain brunette sat quietly to her left.

Shifting awkwardly in her seat, the blonde finally decided to speak up. "So how do you two know each other?" She directed it towards the couple in front of her, assuming that they had some history.

Eliza began to burst out into laughter at the insinuation. The blonde and brunette looked at her confusedly, while Levi just looked annoyed that Loren had interrupted their conversation.

Wiping her fake tears, through her laughs, the older girl was able to squeeze out an answer. "We're cousins!"

Loren coughed several times, choking on her coffee. Even Cindy looked surprised.

"Cousins?!" The blonde squeaked out.

"Loren, we share a last name for Christ's sake!"

The blonde's mouth gaped in realization. Cunningham, she should've put two and two together.

"You know for a child prodigy, that's fairly naive of you." Levi said in a condescending manner. Apparently he still wasn't over the party.

The blonde stared daggers at him from across the small table. "For someone so dim-witted, i'm surprised you're even literate." She said in an equally condescending tone, trying to keep her voice level, and prevent her rising anger from peeking through.

Her and Levi had actually been quite good friends at a point in time. They've known each other since primary school, and were on the same social ladder. That changed however when Levi had caught Loren kissing his then girlfriend, freshman year. The blonde had tried to explain that the other girl had pushed herself onto her, but he refused to listen.

"For such a slut, i'm surprised you haven't released an STI outbreak at school. Better not sit too close Cindy, I would hate to catch it too." The football player's face was now flushed red at his increasing anger.

"Levi!" Eliza whisper yelled, scolding her cousin.

Loren was ready to bite back a response, until she felt a warm hand gently place itself on her thigh, running up and down the length of her skin, trying to calm her down.

The blonde glanced over to the brunette who looked almost bored at the entire situation, but her hand told an entirely different story.

Maybe she did care?

Or maybe she was just trying to prevent the blonde from letting out anything about last night, or their previous interactions. As far as the entire school knew, they hated each other.

The blonde gently shook the hand away from her thigh, and excused herself to the bathroom, faintly hearing the cousins argue behind her.

She locked herself in a stall, and waited thirty seconds before hearing the restroom door open, and a knock on her stall door.

"Hurry up and open the door Loren! This bathroom smells musty and i'm not about to catch a virus!"

The blonde rolled her eyes and opened the stall door to be met with an annoyed Cindy, arms crossed and slit eyes. She walked into the small cubicle, leaving Loren to lock the door once again.

"We have to stop meeting in bathrooms. It's kinda disgusting." Loren joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"It seems to be one of the only places we can interact without people staring at us, thinking we want to rip each other's throats out." The brunette chuckled humorlessly.

The two girls leaned on opposite walls of the stall, facing each other. Loren desperately wanted to ask why the brunette left this morning, but already had a general idea of what the answer would be, and she didn't want to seem like one of 'those' girls. She would hate to come off as clingy, as she hated those type of people.

"I'm sorry about Levi, he just-"

"Don't apologize for him. He's a giant dick, with ironically a small dick." Loren interrupted, not wanting the brunette to feel guilty for her boyfriend's actions.

This made Cindy let out a small giggle. "Confirmed." She said with a small smile.

So maybe Cindy did care. Just a little.

The brunette took a step towards the blonde, which immediately closed the small gap between the two, considering they were in such a confined space.

Cindy's fingers reached up, and gently traced the blonde's jawline, trailing down to pull the collar of Loren's turtleneck, exposing the fair skin, covered in several purple marks.

The butterflies, that never seemed to appear for anyone else, erupted in the blonde's stomach, making her feel almost dizzy.

Cindy began to plant feather light kisses on the visible love bites, almost lovingly. "Sorry, I know you must be burning up." The brunette whispered out, feeling slightly remorseful that the blonde was forced to wear something so insulating.

Loren cupped the brunette's jaw, bringing her face back up. "It was worth it." She breathed out, before joining their lips together, creating a short, but tender kiss. The two pulled away, Cindy's arms stabilizing herself by wrapping around Loren's waist, and the blonde's hands still gently cupping the brunette's cheeks.

They kept their lips close together, barely touching, still wanting to have as much contact between them as possible.

"We should get going before they wonder why we've been in here so long." Cindy mumbled against the other girl's lips. It was the last thing she wanted to say, but she knew if she stayed any longer, things would get carried away, and they would have a lot of explaining to do.

Loren just slightly nodded her head, but both girls stayed unmoving, relishing in the warmth of the embrace.

"What did you even say to them in the first place?"

Cindy gently smiled. "They were too busy arguing to even notice me leave."

The blonde giggled at the thought of the two in a petty fight. It definitely would've been interesting to witness, but where she was right now was far more appealing.

Cindy finally untangled herself from the blonde, making Loren slightly whimper, and the brunette smirk in satisfaction.

"You go out first, so it'll be less suspicious." The brunette said.

"I need motivation." The blonde smirked, leaning forward, closing her eyes, and puckering her lips, not expecting a small peck to be placed on the corner of her lips.

"Now go! You're so annoying sometimes Loren."

The blonde opened her eyes to see the brunette with her arms crossed, and slit eyes, similar to how she came in, but a small blush adorned her cheeks, making Loren grin from ear to ear.

"Your wish is my command." The blonde said dramatically, before walking back out to the table, not even trying to hide the wide smile that grazed her lips.

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