Chapter 19

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"I'm sorry, you're what?!"

The brunette sat cross legged on Loren's bed, staring wide eyed at the blonde who was leaning on her desk, a few feet away.

Loren just sighed, fiddling with the spines of a few journals on her desk. She was still debating whether or not to take them with her.

"And you mean like Paris, Paris right? Not like Paris, Texas?" Cindy was staring at the blonde, trying to find any emotion other than discomfort.

The blonde slowly nodded. "Like the Eiffel Tower, baguette, France, type of Paris."

Loren was still leaning on her desk, but her head was down, refusing to look at the brunette.

"I thought you guys were already international. Why do you need to move?" Brown eyebrows were furrowed at the lack of emotion she was receiving from Loren.

"We only have branches in China and Australia. My parents finally signed off with some developer in Europe."

Cindy nodded. Letting the information slowly seep into her mind.

She was biting her lip. Something she always did when she was thinking.

Everything was slowly beginning to click.

"Shit." The brunette murmured under her breath.

The plane ticket to Paris wasn't so Loren could meet some whore, it was a business trip, along with all of her frequent absences.

The envelope Cindy saw her holding at school was probably a diploma, or something that would excuse her for the rest of the year.

A memory echoed inside the brunette's head.

"I don't hate you." Cindy whispered quietly.

"You will." Loren breathed out before capturing the other girl's lips in a searing kiss, forgetting the fact that time was running out.

Cindy's eyes widened in realization. How could she be so blind?

She abruptly stood up from the bed, and pointed an accusatory finger at the blonde.

"You've always known haven't you?" Her voice was quiet, but strained. Almost as if she had lost the energy to speak.

"Known what?" Loren's voice was deceivingly cool. Nonchalant and dismissive, like she was speaking to a child.

"You always knew that you would leave!"

Tears threatened to fall out of golden brown eyes, as her hands began to tremble, and her bottom lip begin to quiver.

"You knew," Cindy whispered.

"You knew, and you still fucked around with me!" Her voice now raising to a moderate yell.

"I thought you hated me, why do you care?"

"God, how fucking stupid can you be Carson?!" Cindy was seething now, hot angry tears falling mercilessly down smooth cheeks.

Her chest was rapidly rising and falling, her hands balled into fists that held so much tension, they shook.

"Of course I always knew this was going to happen." Loren said, forcing herself to finally look into the eyes she had been avoiding.

"Just like how you know the Sun is going to rise in the morning, or how you're going to be hungover after doing seven shots."

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