Chapter 14

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"Was I that boring?" The brunette questioned in a playful tone.

The two girls laid in Cindy's bed, facing each other.

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" She questioned, confused by the context of the question.

"You practically fell asleep the second you laid on my bed." Cindy giggled.

Loren's cheeks turned a light pink, making the brunette subconsciously smile. "Sorry I was-" She stopped herself from saying the real answer, and opted for a half truth. "It was a long day."

After last night, the two girls laid in bed, kissing until the sun came up, only adding to Loren's exhaustion, but she didn't complain.

It was currently 9 am, making them late for school, but both of them knew without discussing that they were going to stay home anyways, even if it made Cindy slightly wary about messing up her perfect record.

Loren rolled onto her back and draped her arm over her eyes. The endearing sight made the corner of Cindy's lips lightly quirk up.

"I smell disgusting." The blue eyed girl announced with a small giggle, in turn also making the brunette lightly laugh.

This sparked an idea within the brunette's head. So with a grin and a mischievous glint in her eyes, Cindy leaned forward to the blonde's ear and whispered. "Meet me in the shower in five minutes." Then quickly scampered off the bed, and into her en-suite bathroom.

The brunette intentionally left the door open as she stripped out of her clothes, one by one, making sure she was in Loren's view, before stepping into the shower, and running the water.

Soon after, Cindy heard the shower door slide open behind her, and cold hands place themselves on her waist, a contrast to the warm water splashing on both their bodies.

Both their backs were facing the shower head as Loren's hands caressed the smooth skin of the brunette's waist, then slowly trailing upward to cup Cindy's small, but perky breasts.

The brunette let out a throaty moan as nimble fingers began to pinch and tweak at her dark nipples.

The blonde leaned her head forward and began biting and sucking the skin of the brunette's shoulder and neck.

Cindy leaned back into the body behind her for support as her knees began to feel weak already.

One hand stayed massaging Cindy's chest, as the other began to move down to the area between the brunette's thighs.

Loren teasingly dipped a finger between the brunette's folds, making her let out a low groan.

The blonde strategically moved her finger, making sure not to hit Cindy's bundle of nerves, but just close enough to have the brunette begging.

"Stop being a bitch and fuck me already." Cindy let out in a strangled voice, desperately trying to hide, well, her desperation, but ultimately failing.

Loren ignored her plea and continued her ministrations.

"Do you know what it felt like to be deprived of you for a week?" The blonde questioned as she gently pushed the brunette into the shower wall in front of them.

The cold tile against Cindy's hard nipples and cheek made her gasp as she bit down on her lip, trying to contain her squeamish sounds.

The brunette's hands were against the wall next to her head, as if she were in a surrendering pose.

"Is this your way of s-saying you missed me?" Cindy didn't quite understand how she was able to form coherent words. Her tone was meant to be her usual sarcastic self, but it instead came out strained and in between gasps as Loren's finger was still playing with the brunette's most sensitive area.

Cindy would be lying if she said she hadn't touched herself several times in the past week while thinking of Loren, and now that the blonde's bare front was pressed against her back, she couldn't help but feel satisfied that Loren was here and not with anyone else.

Tired of the teasing, Cindy pushed her pride away and practically begged for the blonde to be inside her.

"Loren, please." She whimpered.

That's all it took for the blonde to dip two fingers into the brunette, slowly moving in and out at a rhythmic pace.

Cindy let out a long sigh of pleasure, finally relieved from being teased.

A series of moans and slips of Loren's name being gasped out, echoed in the shower walls.

The brunette's walls began to clench around the blonde's fingers. Cindy scrunched her eyes, ready for her release, only for the blonde to slip out her fingers completely.

Cindy's disappointment quickly dissipated however, as she was turned around, and met with the sight of Loren on her knees.

Her blonde hair was wet and slicked back, making it appear a light shade of brown.

Electric blue eyes were gazing upwards, meeting deep brown ones, glazed over with lust.

Loren's hands gripped the sides of the brunette's thighs as she lowered her head into Cindy's heat.

The blonde's pink lips wrapped around Cindy's clit, sucking the nerves.

The brunette's head leaned back into the wall as her eyes fluttered shut, and her lips parted in pleasure. Her fingers subconsciously weaved into wet blonde locks, and pulled Loren's head closer to her.

One hand removed itself from Cindy's thigh, and instead began to pump in and out of the brunette once again.

The brunette's hips began to rock with the motion of Loren's hand as she once again built up towards her high.

The blonde's teeth gently grazed Cindy's clit, sending her over the edge.

A slur of curses, groans, and moans filled the shower as the brunette's milky white liquid ran down her thighs, which the blonde did not hesitate to lick clean.

The blonde left light kisses on Cindy's stomach and chest and she made her way back up to the brunette's face.

Cindy's eyes were still shut, and her chest was still heaving up and down, recovering from arguably one of her most intense orgasms.

Loren continued to kiss everywhere except for the brunette's lips, peppering kisses on her jaw, cheek, and neck, with her hands resting on the brunette's hips.

Cindy's arms loosely wrapped around the blonde's shoulders, making Loren pull away from the other girl's neck.

Seeing that brown eyes were open, Loren's lips curved into a goofy grin as she leaned forward again, capturing the brunette's lips.

The blonde repeatedly pulled away, only to lean back in right after, only leaving small, short pecks on the other girl's lips, not giving Cindy the satisfaction of a long, passionate kiss, much to the brunette's annoyance.

The brunette let out a frustrated grunt, making the blonde giggle and finally give into the kiss.

The hands on Cindy's hips moved down to cup the brunette's bottom, and gave it a rough squeeze, making Cindy quietly moan.

Loren pulled away with a smile, resting her forehead against the brunette's.

"To answer your question, yes. That's my way of saying I miss you." Loren mumbled, her lips gently brushing against the brunette's.

This made Cindy break out into a wide grin. "If this is how you act when you miss me, maybe we'll have to spend more time apart." The brunette muttered, before pulling Loren into another long kiss.

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