Chapter 10

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The next morning, Loren woke up with a grin on her face. Her naked body reached over to the other side of the bed, only to be met with cold sheets. Using the covers to mask her bare chest, she sat up in her queen sized bed and peered around her room.

Cindy had left her.

For the first time in her life, the blonde had been on the reciprocating end of being left in a one night stand situation.

This time however, she hoped it wouldn't be just one night.

Part of her wasn't even sure it happened. Everything just felt extremely surreal, and she would've believed that she dreamt it all if it weren't for the fact that her outfit was thrown messily onto her hardwood floors, or for the constellation of love bites, splattered on her neck and chest.

It all just felt far too bittersweet.

The girl that she had been thinking about constantly for the past couple of weeks had finally slept with her. It left Loren in a dreamy high, only to crash once she realized that the brunette probably still didn't want anything to do with her.

To Cindy, this was probably just some fun reckless experiment that she could laugh about in ten years.

"It doesn't matter what we do now, because we'll be forced to hate each other later."

The thought hurt, as much as she hated to admit it.

The blonde grabbed her phone from the bedside table, hoping for a text from the brunette that explained her absence, but only found a bombard of messages from the guy she was with before Cindy.

Basketball guy with curly brown hair:

~hey, where'd you run off to last night ? would love to do it again ;))

~hello ?

~i am so hard for you baby come over again and i'll show you

Then, appeared a very unwanted photo of his manhood, which Loren still thought was below average.

~whatever i can find someone better than you. you weren't even that tight

The blonde rolled her eyes, and blocked his number.

Boys were so pathetic sometimes.

She got out of bed, and ran a quick shower, now stuck in a gloomy mood, she thought a nice hot shower with relax her tense muscles and clear her mind.

Doing her daily scroll through her social media, she found a picture, posted just an hour ago, of none other than the brunette and her douche boyfriend, caught in a tight embrace, and a passionate kiss. As if anything could've dampened her mood more.

Continuing to scroll through her messages, she stumbled upon one from the night before she must've missed.

~In town for the weekend, wanna grab a coffee ?

Eliza was best described as one of Loren's sleeping buddies, but the blonde always considered the other girl a friend more than anything. Very flirty friends. In the dark trenches of high school, Eliza was always someone she looked forward to seeing.

The other girl was two years older, and had left for New York to jump start her modeling career, which smoothed over pretty quickly considering she was drop dead gorgeous, and crazy rich.

Eliza remained to be the only person Loren had sex with, and still communicated with on a semi regular basis. Well except for Cindy, but those terms were still slightly hazy.

Quickly responding back, the blonde told the other girl to meet her at a near by cafe, a place they usually hung out at when they were still in school together.

Slipping on a pair of skinny jeans and a turtle neck, which she was forced to wear considering there were dark purple splotches all over her neck, she climbed into her car, which was probably worth more than most houses, and drove to the cafe.

Upon arriving, she scanned the warm, coffee scented cafe, and searched for a girl with sandy brown hair. Not seeing her, she opted to have a seat and wait before ordering her drink.

After a few minutes, she felt a cold pair of hands over her eyes from behind.

"Hey cutie." Warm breath enveloped her ear, and sent a chilling shiver down her spine. The soft lips gently grazed her ear, making her mind go blank for just a second before responding.

"Always loved being fashionably late, haven't you, Elizaveta?" Loren teased, knowing the other girl hated her full name.

The other girl removed her hands, and slowly walked to the other side of the table, gently swaying her hips, knowing the blonde was watching.

"Oh don't fool yourself Loren, you know you always loved the anticipation."

There, Eliza sat in front of her, a slightly obnoxious smirk plastered on her face, but Loren found it slightly endearing.

The other girl's bright green eyes seemed to almost glow, seeming more striking as her light brown hair was pulled in a bun, with baby hairs flying in all different directions, she still looked absolutely stunning however, which shouldn't be surprising considering she was a model, but Loren always caught herself gaping at the other girl's beauty.

"So Lor Bear, miss me?" The blonde rolled her eyes at the nickname, but a small smile still crept onto her lips.

"Hardly, life's been a lot less hectic with you gone."

"Oh come on, how does it feel to say you fucked a model."

Easy banter flowed between the two girls, just like it did before Eliza left. Loren would be lying if she said she didn't miss the other girl a lot, but she would never give her the satisfaction.

"Language babe, don't want us getting in trouble like last time." Loren teased again, quirking an eyebrow, gauging the other girl's reaction, and giggling once she saw the older girl's cheeks flush with a light pink.

They had gotten dinner together one night at an insanely fancy restaurant, the entire night they were teasing each other, 'accidentally' brushing a hand against the other girl's thigh, or running a finger under the other's lips because she 'had food there'. Eventually, Eliza had lost it and went full out dirty talk inside the restaurant, and they were kicked out and banned.

The next morning Eliza had blamed it on the alcohol she had snuck in, and Loren couldn't stop bursting out laughing every time she saw the sandy brunette for a week.

"We agreed to never discuss that again!" Eliza leaned in for dramatic effect and whisper yelled, only making the blonde giggle harder.

"I never agreed to anything." She smirked, making the older girl pout, and cross her arms like a child.

Her pout dissipated however when she spotted someone behind the blonde, she began to smile and wave frantically for whoever was there to come over.

Loren turned around to see who the other girl was waving at, only to be completely dumbfounded.

Cindy fucking Leclair, and her big toothed boyfriend.

What were the fucking odds.

thank you so much for 3k reads and for this book's rankings and everything !!! means a lot <33 hoped you enjoyed reading hehe

!!!! i just realized that i had another character in this book named Lizzy, so i decided to name the Lizzy in this chapter,  (the model) Eliza instead !! Sorry

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