Chapter 13

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Not many words were exchanged.

The blonde just followed the brunette up into Cindy's bedroom, already knowing the drill.

Quickly getting to work, the brunette shut her bedroom door, although having no need to considering her parents, and the maids have all left, and began to attack the blonde's neck.

"Where have you been?" The brunette whispered into Loren's ear, before gently biting down on the blonde's lobe, and pulling it gently with her teeth, making the blonde audibly gasp.

Loren's hands were weaved between thick brown locks, gently pulling the follicles as the brunette continued to pepper harsh kisses against the blonde's pale skin, definitely leaving dark red marks.

"I've been-" The blonde let out a throaty moan as Cindy began to suck on Loren's pulse point, making blue eyes close shut. "-out."

Cindy gently pushed the blonde against the door, and began to remove the dark gray sweatshirt Loren was wearing. Upon inspecting the shirt, Cindy realized it was her's.

"Is this my shirt?" She asked, a playful smirk grazing her lips.

Now that the blonde's top was only covered by a bra, the brunette could clearly see the blush that climbed Loren's neck, and ended at her cheeks.

"I- um, yeah. I borrowed it when I left last time." The blonde stuttered out.

The smirk on Cindy's lips only widened. She leaned forward so that her lips were barely grazing the blonde's, teasing her.

"It's not borrowing if you had no intention of giving it back." The brunette's hot breath grazed the blonde's lips, making Loren almost audibly gulp.

Cindy desperately wanted to ask about Eliza, but she knew it would ruin the intimate moment that was about to happen. Besides, she shouldn't care about who Loren was with. They weren't dating. Not even close.

The thought slightly made the corners of the brunette's lips turn down.

She quickly tried to push all thoughts of the other girl away, and pulled Loren towards her bed, pushing her down on her back.

The brunette climbed on top of the blonde, straddling her, and continuing her onslaught of kisses on Loren's neck, moving down to her chest.

She continued this for a while until she heard the blonde's whimpers stop, and her breath evening out. She pulled away from Loren's chest, only to see that the blonde had fallen asleep.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Cindy was ready to shake the blonde awake and scold her, until she noticed the dark circles that seemed to be imprinted underneath Loren's stunning blue eyes.

Even her eyes look a bit duller. Thought Cindy, as she remembered the blonde's blue eyes seemed to be graced with gray storm clouds. Nonetheless, she didn't look any less beautiful, as much as Cindy hated to admit it, Loren had always been beautiful.

Even in her motionless, serene state of slumber, she looked as if she had been graced by the goddess of Venus, who hand sculpted the most beautiful woman, in order to tempt and seduce people, only to lure them into fated heartbreak.

Loren, the heartbreaker, had been her reputation for almost all of high school. Picking up boys and sometimes girls, only to move onto another the next week. It made Cindy's nose slightly scrunch up to think that Loren was sleeping with another person while also sleeping with her.

Cindy got off the bed, careful to not make too much moment as to not wake the blonde, and slipped open the doors of the balcony connected to her room.

Quietly opening her drawers, she found a cigarette and a lighter, and walked out the sliding doors.

Her balcony overlooked the illuminated pool behind her house, which was barely used, and the busy city skyline.

Pinching the cigarette between her lips, one hand occupied the lighter, while the other cupped the front of her face, trying to prevent the wind from putting it out. She inhaled a long drag, letting the smoke fill her lungs, before letting it out.

She leaned against the railing, and closed her eyes, letting the soft sound of the bustling, distant city, lure her into a state of calm.

She stayed out for a while, the cigarette being used all the way to the butt.

A part of her wanted to stay here forever, where her mind was clear, and the cool crisp air cut her cheeks, keeping her in touch with reality, but just barely.

She suddenly felt long, warm arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"It's cold out." The blonde mumbled against the back of the brunette's neck, her tone still filled with sleep as she had just woken.

"What time is it?" The brunette questioned.

"Almost 2. We have school tomorrow, come back to bed." The blonde snuggled even closer into the brunette, and let out a yawn.

The brunette didn't answer, she just stayed glued to her spot, not that the blonde minded. She loved the position they were in.

"You shouldn't do that you know." The blonde whispered against the brunette's neck.

"Do what?" Cindy questioned, already having an idea of what Loren was going to say.


The brunette scoffed. "So what? It relieves my stress."

"There's other coping mechanisms you know." The blonde said with a hint of annoyance.

The brunette scoffed again, turning around to face the blonde, which made her drop her hands to her sides, and slightly back up, due to the close proximity. "Like what, Carson? Sex?"

Loren's face dropped. That one word, sex, was said with so much malice that it made Loren squirm. That one word held a whole lecture of true meaning. Cindy sounded disgusted. Disgusted that Loren would use people to ease pain, because that's what she did, Loren used people to numb.

Loren knew it wasn't ideal, and she knew it wasn't right, but the way the brunette said it, Cindy might as well had just ripped Loren's heart out, and ripped it to shreds.

Just like the typical daughter of any busy parents, she rarely got any affection. She had no close relatives and her parents were never home. Loren used sex as a way to receive intimate affection, something she never got as a child. She knew it was weird and twisted, but it was one of the only ways she could feel close to someone.

Loren lightly shook her head and rolled her eyes, preparing to turn around. "Sorry for caring." She said sarcastically before turning on her heels, and heading back inside.

A hand gripped her wrist however, stopping her in her tracks, and forcing her to turn around.

"I'm sorry." Cindy gently whispered out, before pulling the blonde into her body, and delicately kissing her lips.

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