Chapter 12

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Of course she wasn't here.

But then again, was she ever?

It was the fifth time that Loren had skipped school in the past two weeks, not that the brunette was counting, but Cindy was ready to throw an entire four year old, who didn't get their ice cream, hissy fit.

The brunette had just assumed that the blonde was ditching with that skank of a model. They didn't exactly keep their relationship discreet when the older girl attended the same school with them, and knowing she was back made Cindy feel all kinds of paranoid.

The blonde had been out since last Wednesday, and it was now Tuesday, meaning that it had been almost a week since the brunette saw her.

This made Cindy reminisce about last Tuesday. The two girls agreed to meet at one of their house's at eight, every Tuesday, considering it was the only weekday where Cindy didn't have cheer commitments, and they both weren't completely swamped in school work and extracurriculars.

To say the least, neither girl got very much sleep that Tuesday night...

This got Cindy thinking though. If they finished their... activities at around four in the morning, Loren vanishes around six, and then doesn't make it to school...

What if she got kidnapped? What if they smuggled her into Canada so no one could find her? She never answered my text! Oh god, what if she-


This snapped the cheerleader out of her daze. She looked up to see her History teacher gazing at her with an expectant look, along with the whole class.

"I'm sorry, what?" The brunette questioned.

Her teacher tsked and returned his attention back to the board where the lesson was taking place.

"Next time you want to daydream in my class, at least pretend like you're listening."

This made a few students giggle, as small whispers were passed around the class.

This made the brunette want to roll her eyes like bowling balls.

Teenagers, always looking for the newest hot gossip.

What if Loren was with Eliza right now? She would surely ditch me for a hot supermodel.

The idea made Cindy feel weirdly insecure. Like she was easily discarded, and she did not like it, especially not coming from the girl she's hated since she was fourteen.

At least she thought she hated the blonde.

It was all kinda complicated right now.

She didn't think it made sense to sleep with someone you 'hated'.

So what did she feel?




She almost wanted to laugh out loud.

Of course she didn't love Loren.

The girl who put mustard powder into her soft drink, the girl who put a fake cockroach on her shoulder in the halls , the girl who pushed her into a pool at a friend's sixteenth birthday party.

Cindy could justify that all of her mean jokes towards Loren were just in retaliation.

Who started this war?

No one really remembers, not even Cindy. The reasons behind their quarreling were also unknown, at least to the rest of the student body. Cindy always had her reasons, she wasn't one to act without thought.

The entire day felt like she was floating. Not the good kind of floating where you're on cloud nine and happy and dazed. More like a distant and unfocused floating.

She hated to admit that the blonde's absence affected her, but it did. It affected her in ways she herself couldn't describe. Loren was constantly on her mind, whether in a negative or a positive way, she was always just there.

Even if she wasn't occupying the entirety of Cindy's brain, she was always in the background whether it be the sound of her laugh, or the sound of her voice, or the color of her eyes that seemed to paint the background of the brunette's subconscious, Loren was everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.

Even her 'friends' noticed a shift in Cindy's behavior, but no one cared enough to confront her about it, assuming it had something to do with her uber rich family.

Cindy eventually found herself home, half remembering how she got here, being as her mind seemed to be in a completely different universe.

She felt naive for being hopeful.

Hopeful that Loren would show up, even though she's been MIA for the past week.

Why did she even want Loren to show?

She hated her, didn't she?

Well disliked at least.

She had already told the blonde she didn't hate her, so what did she feel?

7:58 pm.

8:04 pm.

9:34 pm.

10:22 pm.

Cindy didn't realize how long she had been waiting until she glanced at the clock mounted on the living room wall. She had sat in the lounge, pretending to watch TV, when really it was the place closest to the front door, in case the blonde appeared.

The brunette decided to just call it quits, suppressing her disappointment and turning off the television.

What did she expect?

For Miss.Troublemaker to appear and keep her word?

Knock knock knock.

Three pounds sounded on the front door, just as Cindy was retreating upstairs.

Well go fucking figure you cliche world.

Almost jogging to the door, the brunette stood there for a moment and regained composure, before swinging the door open.

And there she stood, in all her glory. The one, the only, Miss.Heartbreaker, with an almost adorable, apologetic and squeamish smile on her lips.

Cindy would never let up that easy however, even if a part of her wanted to just melt and swoon, and weirdly enough embrace the blonde after not seeing her for so long.

But she kept her cold composure, the brunette stood there, arms crossed, and eyes like daggers.

"You're late."

this chapter was really just a delve into Cindy's mind since we don't really know her stance on her feelings and what not. mostly just a filler chapter so everything in the next chapter will make sense. thanks for reading !! <3

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