Chapter 2

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She whipped her head in the direction she heard her name being called to see her best friend running at her at full speed. Almost falling over as she crashed into the brown eyed girl. She slightly chuckled at her friend's childish antics.

"Hey Lizzy!"

Meet Elizabeth Valentine. Cindy's best friend since the first grade. Their parents were also close friends so it only made sense.

Her usual brunette hair was now slightly darker due to the changing seasons, along with her usually hazel eyes having a green sparkle in them.

"I missed you Cind!"

"We literally saw each other two days ago. We had a sleepover remember?"

Lizzy rolled her eyes and countered immediately.

"Two days without seeing my bestie is like two years!"

The other brunette put her hand over her heart letting out a dramatic sigh. Cindy rolled her eyes but grinned finding comfort in her companion's childishness. The bell rang signaling that they had to get to last period. Overall the day went by peacefully, catching up with people Cindy hadn't seen over the summer minus the whole mishap with Loren.

Quickly walking to Calculus, her last period she sat through another excruciatingly boring lecture about something she would never use.


Chants could be heard from the hallway as Cindy made her way out the door. The yelling was getting closer and soon she saw a circle surrounding none other than Loren Carson. She had another girl pinned against the lockers, her back facing the brunette.

Before she could stop herself, she yelled out Loren's name. Blue eyes whipped around to meet brown. Their eyes caught in an intense gaze leaving Cindy lost in the ocean that were Loren's eyes. Before the brunette even had a chance to blink Loren's position with the girl was switched and she was now the one against the lockers. A swift punch was executed on the side of her face leaving a cut right next to her left eyebrow.

Regaining composure, Loren quickly shoved the girl off her and pushed her way through the crowd leaving school campus.

First day back and she's already finding ways to cause trouble. Shaking her head, she also found her way to her car and drove to her house.


Huh. That's weird. Cindy pulled up into her driveway seeing that her parent's car was also there. Maybe they did care.

Walking inside she smelt a delectable scent coming from the kitchen. Following the scent she saw her mom observing their personal chef cooking food with care.

It's only the first day of school, what is she making such a big feast for?

Coughing, Cindy made her presence known. Her mother's head turned towards her and her basically twin's lips curved into a smile.

"Hello honey, where have you been?"

Cindy's eyebrows furrowed together. Did she not know?


She said cautiously. If this wasn't for her, then who was it for?

"Oh that's started already?"

Of course. Why would she care anyways.

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