Chapter 6

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Cindy hated these with a deep, dark passion.

Every month a family within her social circle would host a sort of gathering in hopes of solidifying family ties and alliances.

Very 19th century if you asked the brunette.

Of course it was her family's turn to host, meaning her mother was bitchier than usual.

Cindy do this, Cindy wear that, Cindy take off that dress you look like a stripper.

The brunette wanted to tear her hair out and jump in a pool of sharks.

Today was going to be interesting though.

Loren was going to be there.

Well she was always there, but Cindy never cared about her presence until now. The previous gatherings always consisted of the two avoiding each other by all means, and it was usually always successful, other than the occasional awkward eye contact.

This time however, the brunette felt a fire in the pit of her stomach that hadn't been extinguished since the last Friday they saw each other.

She couldn't focus on anything the past few days except for the lingering feeling of the blonde's hands on her waist.

It was now the Sunday following that Friday, and the brunette was currently sitting at her vanity preparing.

She could already hear the growing chatter downstairs.

Taking a glance in the mirror she looked down at the floral, periwinkle summer dress her mother had chosen. If it were up to Cindy, she wouldn't have chosen something so mundane, but of course she had a reputation to uphold.

Slutty party girl was not one of them.

She glanced towards her mattress, contemplating if she should take a smoke now to calm her nerves. She was feeling nervous, especially with the blonde's spontaneous behavior, Cindy didn't know what to expect.

The brunette lifted her mattress and pulled out the pack she kept hidden. She pulled out a stick along with the lighter she kept hidden under there as well.

Pinching the cigarette between her index and middle finger, she brought it up to her lips and took a deep inhale, letting it linger in her lungs before exhaling the smoke.

Her tense body immediately relaxed as the nicotine began to course through her veins.

She dramatically flopped down on her bed, back first, her head hitting her pillow. She stared at her ceiling occasionally bringing the cigarette up to her mouth and giving it a blow.

It was ironic how the single person she hated most in the world, was also somehow the person she desperately craved. Cindy missed the intoxicating scent of the blonde, the warmth of her body, and especially the feeling of her lips against her own.

Her unoccupied hand lifted up to her face and gently touched her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut as she reminisced the heat of Loren's-

"Get up lazy butt!"

Cindy's body jerked into an upright position and hid the cigarette behind her body. She turned to look at the intruder only to see a smirking blonde.


The brunette must've missed her entrance since she was so preoccupied with other things.

"Inside, really? You have a whole balcony and you still smoke inside your room?"

Cindy just sighed and shook her head, but couldn't help but ignore the tingling butterflies that lied in her stomach.

She got off her bed and walked to the end of her mattress, lifting it up to find the hidden ashtray. Sticking the butt of the cigarette into the tray, she then stuck it back into the pack for later.

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