Chapter 4

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Cindy didn't get an ounce of sleep that night, not that that was particularly new, but the cause of her lack of sleep for tonight was different.

Loren Rose Carson

Why on Earth would that be her proposition. Really?! Fuck buddies. That had to be the only thought that crossed her blonde head?

They've hated each other since freshman year, the blonde surely had to be doing this to torture Cindy.

The little sleep Cindy did get ended with her waking up panting at the extremely sexual dream she had had.

It was so unfair. The blonde had no right to use her body like this. Maybe she could take it all back. How bad would it really be if her parents found out that she smoked??

Really fucking bad.

She groaned. This whole situation was absurd, especially with the business partnership, they would be seeing each other quite often.

The blonde could get whoever she wanted. The entire student body practically worshipped her body. A snap of her fingers and anyone could be under her.

So why Cindy?

The sound of her morning alarm snapped her out of her daze. She had been tossing and turning since 3 in the morning and just decided to succumb to her consciousness.

Slipping out of bed, she walked into her connected bathroom and began to run a shower.

Steaming hot water engulfed her entire body, as her thoughts began to dissipate with the steam.

At least momentarily.

The warmth of the shower reminded the brunette of warm hands that slid down her body just the night before. The way plump lips travelled down her neck, and the way slender fingers grazed her most sensitive area.

Her own fingers began to pump in and out of her as she reminisced last night's events.

God, this was so wrong. How was she able to fervor over her sworn enemy of three years.

Lust overcame her as her body rippled with release.

This was going to be a long three months.

Stepping out of the shower, the brunette wrapped a white towel around her slim body and exited the bathroom.

The cold air felt like a slap on the face.

She just touched herself thinking about the Loren Carson. This was so embarrassing. Of course no one knew, but the premise of it made her want to die.

Throwing on a long-sleeved periwinkle crop top and black high waisted skinny jeans, she applied a generous amount of concealer under her eyes to hide the lack of sleep she got.

Making her way downstairs to the kitchen, she grabbed a granola bar as she was already running late due to the whole shower situation.

The brunette grabbed her keys and bag and made her way out into her car, parked in the garage.

To no surprise, there was no sign of either of her parents. Their absence no longer fazed Cindy though. The lack of their presence had became a normality and she had grown accustomed to caring for herself. Sometimes she only saw them once every few weeks, at most a couple months.

She tried to be understanding, knowing that her parents had a brand to build, but if they couldn't nurture their child, why have one at all?

All she was at this point was an heir to their business and money. A pretty face to load the burden onto.

The ten minute ride to school became a blur as she was too caught up in her thoughts.

What would she do once she saw Loren?! She couldn't face her after what she did. What if she found out? Did she smell like arousal?!?

Knock knock

Cindy jumped out of her seat, her hand shot up to her chest in surprise. She looked to see who had knocked on her car window to be faced with a grinning brunette. Rolling down her window, she began to scold her best friend.

"Lizzy what the fuck! You gave me a fucking heart attack you bitch!"

The other brunette only giggled. "You always curse more when you're angry. It's a bad habit."

Cindy only rolled her eyes and exited the car, letting the corners of her mouth lift into a soft smile.

"What were you doing in your car for so long anyways? I was waiting for like ten minutes."

Her cheeks were painted with a rosy red. She couldn't admit what she was thinking about.

"Uhh just about cheer. Worried that the new recruits won't be any good." As co-captain she wasn't technically lying. She was worried that this year's team would be terrible but she had bigger problems. The other brunette however quickly took the bait and further discussed the matter.

"Try outs are this Thursday so we'll find out soon. Besides we only had a few seniors last year so we won't have to find many replacements."

Cindy just absentmindedly nodded. Usually she let Lizzy deal with this stuff anyways since she was the captain.

Her mind was somewhere else this morning. Her eyes darted everywhere searching for a certain blonde head.

"Hey are you ok? You seem antsy." Cindy glanced towards the brunette.

"Yeah i'm fine. Just too much coffee I guess." She shot her a quick smile to try and ease her friend's worry.

The two made their ways to their separate classes. The brunette stuck her head into her first classroom to try and spot the blonde nuisance. But to no avail she wasn't in there.

Wait, no. She should be happy that she wasn't here. It saved her a lot of embarrassment and annoyance.

Sauntering into the room, she took a seat towards the middle of the rows of seats.

Her brown eyes glanced towards the door the entire period but the blonde never showed. She scoffed. Only the second day and she was already skipping.

This occurred the rest of the day. The brunette constantly checked if the blonde was coming in all of the classes they shared, and she never showed.

If the blonde kept this up, maybe the next three months wouldn't be so bad.

Bit of a filler chapter. Next chapter will be a lot more interesting hopefully. Also I changed 2 months to 3 months bc 2 months sounded too short. Thanks for reading <3

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