Chapter 18

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Loren four months ago would've loved this, craved it even. An entire week to do whatever she pleased, go wherever she wanted, and fuck whoever felt worthy.

Loren four months ago would've thrown at least three parties already, had sex with at least five people, and spent seven thousand dollars on material items she didn't need.

Present Loren however, was sprawled out on the couch, zoning out as an old movie played in the background, the sound echoing throughout the large, and empty home, reflecting how she currently felt.

She had tried to go out. She went shopping the other day and impulsively bought a nineteen thousand dollar necklace.

She tried sex too, but as soon as anyone got close to touching her down there, she immediately pulled away and excused herself, usually leaving a horny, and pissed off teenager.

Cindy on the other hand, was grateful for the absence of the blonde.

At least that's what she told herself.

The halls were dull, her classes were dull, hell, her fucking life felt dull.

They were both miserable and neither one of them wanted to admit it.

They didn't want to admit that they needed each other.

Deciding that she had lounged around long enough, Loren trudged up the stairs, each of her steps dragging more than the last.

Grumbling as she paced around her room, the blonde folded her entire wardrobe and threw her things into the largest suitcase she owned. Her room was a mess as clothes and stationeries were thrown everywhere. She mentally scolded herself for waiting until the day before she left to begin packing, though she was glad most of her stuff was already in Paris due to the frequent trips she took.

She stopped briefly and dramatically flopped back onto her bed, similar to how she would drop in a trust fall. She sighed deeply and draped her arm over her eyes.

In less than twenty four hours, her ass would be in a first class seat straight to Paris.

Or straight to hell.

Loren couldn't tell the difference, in her eyes, they were basically the same thing.

Removing her arm from her eyes, she glanced at her phone to check the time. It was a little after one in the afternoon and she still had more than half of her room to pack up.

Her parents were already in Paris, scrambling to schedule meetings for her arrival so that she would be able to meet all their business associates and her supervisor.

She had already viewed the apartment she would be staying at when she visited Paris almost a month ago.

A part of her couldn't help but think that trip was the reason she and Cindy fell apart, and she suddenly felt more bitter than she already did.

Her parents had chosen the apartment, and it was without a doubt luxurious and expensive. Her only grievance was that the large living room window gave her a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, which is a weird complaint, but she knew all it would do is remind her of her unrequited love.

City of love my ass. She thought.

Although feeling devastated, she couldn't help but feel as if she had no right to be sad.

Cindy was never hers, and she couldn't say the brunette led her on considering she was the one that initiated everything. Cindy had a boyfriend for Pete's sake.

Has, not had. She corrected herself, and that fact only made her feel worse.

It was her fault she was in this mess, and now she couldn't pull herself out of it.

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